[quote]"We're in bad shape, people."[/quote] Vincent gave the man a dismissive look. He was perfectly healthy and definitely hadn't given up on the grim situation. After all, he had already found the silver lining in all of this. He held the raw power of a soul, and he imagined a few of these folks had grabbed some souls out of curiosity all without knowing what they held. If he could figure out how he could bring back whomever he wanted back from their petrified selves, or he could use their soul for more interesting acts. If anything despite the circumstances, he was excited. [quote]We are under prepared for the situation we currently are in. We need, or at least most of you need some proper weapons if we even want to think of surviving today. Say all you want about your sigil’s but I seriously doubt that those things can keep you alive against something like the grit. So I suggest that one of this …..group? are we even grouping? Ah no matter as I was saying I suggest that one of our priorities should be to get you lot armored up properly. Oh and I’m Liam by the way nice to meet you all. He said with a quick smile before standing up and moving towards the surgery door and opening it slightly and using the barrel of his pepperbox to slowly open the door all the way. I also suggest that we get off this wall as quickly as possible. I doubt all the grit charged the city at once so my best guess is that some are roaming the floors of the wall and I would hate to run into another one today. He said looking back at the group before slowly entering the surgery room.[/quote] Vincent nodded in agreement with this guy. Getting off the Wall would be ideal. Staying here for much longer would be wasting time and risking the Grit coming back knocking. He glanced at the door that had been scratched at by a Grit not at all too long ago. He definitely wasn't interested in whenever it came back for round two. Someone started rustling through the medical Sigils and Vincent thought briefly about joining him to grab one each so he could study and learn the design of each Sigil so he could add more to his repertoire. He restrained himself though, because he'd definitely think less of himself for looting and he definitely didn't want to be judged by the people around him either. Kat got to work on the robot after introducing herself, something he supposed he'd have to do himself soon. [quote]"I need to pee."[/quote] Vincent's gaze turned to the nerdiest looking person in the room. He blinked a couple times. What could this guy being doing up here? Well that didn't matter. Vincent's expression changed to an "are you serious?" expression as he gestured towards the room with the label "TOILET" on it. "I'm sure you can take care of yourself," he told the man. He sounded calmer than he probably should considering what just happened, but Vincent never processed emotions in any normal fashion. There were a few times that his butler called him a "high-functioning sociopath". The man was quickly replaced as such behavior was not tolerated. [quote]“Please tell us the fastest route to Periphery from this room. Also, please indicate in your description any nearby armouries.”[/quote] Vincent shook his head. That was no way to talk to a machine. All it would say is for them to go out the door and take the trolley down just like they came up and they knew that wasn't an option. He cleared his throat. "Perhaps we should ask it a different question? The thing could just say go out the door and hit the trolley." He turned his attention to the robot. "Do the stairs go all the way down to the ground? Also, tell us of any armories along the way down if any and any that are near the base of the Wall itself." He didn't care about walking down stairs. In his free time he did nothing but traipse around town, occasionally with a new fling around his arm although all of them were his age, not older. He glanced at Kat before quickly looking at the robot for its answer. Someone older, even if not by much was definitely new territory for him. He ignored the compliment towards Kat by the man who stated they were in bad shape as he had already clearly gestured towards the bathroom that was in this hospice and didn't need to waste time with asking stupid questions to the robot.