Man did something he almost never did; He stopped lecturing. His expression turned neutral, and his aura all but dissipated, except for the small flickerings that showed he was alive. "[b]Very well. You will have to participate though,"[/b] Mr. Man said simply, and turned to the class before he could respond. [b]"Hello. I am Mr. Man, and this is your P.E. Class. You know P.E. of course, it is very simple under all circumstances. Except this one. You will try your best to follow my commands and you will become more fit. As you can tell, I am very fit-"[/b] He wasn't [b]"-and very attractive-"[/b] Arguable [b]"-So please try your best. You may even end up like me. "My first command is to run. Laps. It's pretty simple, so don't mess this one up."[/b] Mr man said this as he walked to the center of the gymnasium. He had half lied to his students. The first lap was as simple as he made it out to be, but after the second lap he knew they would be surprised. Bladed pendulums would start to lower from the ceiling, and flaming rings would rise from the floor. Mr. Man had quite the sadistic sense of humor.