I only have a vague idea of what kind of character I'm gonna play as, so, again, as Nutter said, probably won't have the character or their picture right away. If you'd like examples as to what kinda pictures I do, check [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3165602]here[/url] or [url=http://adparis.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/]my dA[/url]. [s]shameless self-advertising lol[/s] edit: And yeah, Fen, the picture you used is fine :P another edit cause I don't wanna clog up the OOC with my dumbness: As for setting, probably modern-times - 2015-2016 - specifically what state, I have no idea. aaannnd one more thing (SORRY I'M SUCH A DUMB): We can just shove our sheets into the character tab already, right? Don't gotta post it here for 'verification' or anything? Just checking for future reference. P: