[hider=Vic] [center][img]http://s2.postimg.org/kl1rxkbuh/81270323d983387fa1b5d6f7e3ded404.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=gray]"Really, what's so good about this world? Everyone should just fuckin' die and be done with it. No one wants to just suffer for the rest of their years."[/color][/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Victoria Alva [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Appearance:[/b] Victoria is a petite girl, standing at 1.45 meters, and also really slim and light, only weighing 43 kilograms, and that's being somewhat generous. She's got long dark hair that she usually keeps straight and with a pair of hairpins by the side. She's got big blue eyes and almost always seems to have a smile in her face, as long as you don't know of the hidden side to her personality. Her attires usually consist of fancy dresses and one pieces. In any case, she usually wears some fancy piece of clothing or another. As a magical girl, her hairpins change to simple blue ones and on more than one strand of her hair, and wears a long black coat. [hider=Transformed Look] [img]http://s30.postimg.org/s568gssv5/sample_ac52c9e2350cdf024ded38c26740c067.jpg[/img][/hider] Her soul gem has the shape of a water drop and is embedded on the hairpins she uses on her hair. [b]Nationality:[/b] Mexican [b]Personality:[/b] Victoria, or how she prefers to be called, Vic, is an all smiles girl at first. She is kind, caring and often times almost naive. You wouldn't ever believe that the way she acts is actually just that, an act. Underneath the amicable and pleasant girl she poses as, Vic is in fact quite cynical, sarcastic and quite the realist, despite her young age. Despite not knowing all there is to know about magical girls, she does believe she knows all there is to know about humans and who they actually are. Nothing more than a rotten pile of shit. Sadly, this is what this girl has come to believe. She is also foul mouthed and rather sharp tongued when she does not have her facade on. While she has her feelings in good check and tries to remain the ever stoic cold beauty she likes to think she is, when she does lose her nerve, she starts speaking in Spanish, cursing and whatnot. [b]Afflictions:[/b] Aside from believing that every other human but her is shit, well, not much. [b]Wish:[/b] [color=gray][b]"I want to be even more powerful than the powerful. I want to show them that one can be powerful without using underhanded methods like they do."[/b][/color] So, she gained a fortune and reknown throughout the world, while other more corrupt rich men in Mexico fell into disgrace. [b]Biography:[/b] Victoria grew in one of the most poor estates in Mexico, an orphan and with only an old couple to take care of her. The arid deserts of the place and the constant gun fights that happened around her house often made her scared. She wished she could just return fire with a weapon of her own, but she always felt too scared to even get out of under her bed when the shooting started. Still, she had to do her best to live even if it was like that all the time. She helped at the mechanic shop the old man ran. Several of the drug dealers in there frequented his shop too. He repaired their cars for free as long as their shootings and whatnot stood out of the way of their home. That way, they lived somewhat in peace knowing that their guns would never point their way. Of course, until one of the bands got pissed and decided to off the old man and display his corpse in front of their very own mechanic shop. A pretty standard way to show that people are serious in Mexican territory. The sight of this was deeply engraved into Vic's young mind. She thought that, perhaps, some day, she would be the next one displayed in front of somewhere... if not worse. What was also engraved into Vic's mind was just how depraved human beings could be. At age 12, she met a rather peculiar furball. It called itself Kyubey, and well, going by the fact that it even introduced itself to Vic, it could talk. It offered her a wish. So she wished for something that would keep her and the gentle old lady that had raised her safe. She wished to become powerful. Kyubey did its magic and soon, she and the old woman moved from the rundown house they lived in to a luxurious mansion. The Incubator's magic also made it so that the granny did not question anything about the sudden change of pace. Perhaps it was because she thought she could do more good that way, and that bringing a dead man back would not actually benefit anyone, or perhaps it was because it didn't really cross her mind at the time and rushed when making her wish, but she didn't really think of bringing back the old man that was killed. In any case, Vic now had to mingle with the high society of the country which... truthfully, were no better than the drug dealer bands that she resented so much. The more she had to spend time with these people, the more cynical and sarcastic the girl became. She hunted witches as well, thinking that perhaps that way she could make something change. When the woman she had grown to care for as a mother passed away due to her old age, Vic's once amicable and sunny disposition for things died alongside the old woman. If even a miracle-granting wish and all the money in the world could not stop a single woman from dying after putting her in the care of the best medics of the world, then what would actually free humans from their suffering? Death. That's the answer she reached after pondering about it for a while. The old man did not have to feel anymore pain after he was killed, and the old woman died with a smile on her face. Then, shouldn't humans die to make their existances happier? Perhaps.... She is now heading for Danzig, where she has heard she can uncover more secrets of the martial art she is now practicing. Perhaps there she can also find something else related to Kyubey, or other magical girls. [b]Skills:[/b] Has a natural born gift for two things; Languages and martial arts. She mastered English in a mere year and is now aiming to learn German, Italian and French. She is also learning a kind of forgotten martial art from ancient Aztec times, called Yaotiliztli. Apparently, there are some traces of it in Poland. Knows some things about cars and may even be able to fix one if pushed to do it. Fairly good at mathematics too. Knows how to make tortillas..... what, someone may want tacos at some point. [b]Threads of Fate:[/b] 9. [b]Magical Weapon:[/b] [url=http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/anime-element-guardian-sword-BK2602.jpg]A sword.[/url] The sword not only allows her to cast her magic, but can also change into a [url=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2711/4295388261_13fdf866a1_o.jpg]macuahuitl[/url] at will. [b]Experience:[/b] 2. She's not been in a lot of battles but she thinks it really does not matter, as long as her power keeps as what it is. [b]Magical Ability:[/b] [b][i][u]Control Room[/u][/i][/b] After delimitting an area of 10x10 meters, Vic becomes able to control the perception and even position of anything that enters her area. She can crush the space around someone to crush them, modify their position in the plane they find themselves in, make spatial cuts inside her area, even teleport short distances inside that same area, and not even her whole body, just parts of it. She is also able to distort the perception of people inside her area to make it seem like something is farther away than it really is, nearer than it actually is, faster than it actually is or slower. She cannot, however, change the position of anything larger than an average sized adult human being or anything smaller than a tennis ball. [b][i]Teleport Holes[/i][/b] Vic can place teleportation holes in any flat surface. She can only place two at any given time and those two must never be further away than 50 meters. One needs to be designated as the entrance and the other one as the exit, so it is impossible to use an 'exit' as an 'entrance', and vice versa. They can be closed at will and will disappear instantly, enabling her to place another set of Teleport Holes. [b]Signature and Finisher:[/b] N/A right now. ██████: 12%[/hider] [hr] Other character. 4edgy6u