The teasing smirk didn’t fall from Thea’s face as Selessia tried to justify herself though the older woman bit back the snappy retort that came to mind at the young girl's words. They were supposed to be playing nice and she didn’t need or want to be the one to cause any trouble. Laying down the towel, she began to run her fingers through her long hair, disgusted by the grime she felt. This wretched city was surely a place to be damned with its cursed dust. Her entire body felt caked in filth and the rain had done her no favors. The first thing she wanted after a hot meal was a bath. Braiding her hair to keep it out of the way, she almost laughed aloud at Idris’s musing to irk the spectre further. “It would be your funeral,” she teased the other woman, as their food was laid before them. Thea hadn’t realized how long it had been since she had eaten until the meal was in front of her. Taking a bite, she glanced sidelong at Idris again. “So what do you call yourselves? With wings like that?” She was particularly interested as the winged elf primarily because it was something so different than her small town mentality could even fathom. Of course she had heard of other races but it was impossibly rare that they would come the way of her village. Taking a sip of the drink Maggie had brought them Thea was pleased to find it was a mulled wine, fantastic and warming all at once. Though she didn’t answer, Idris’s question of timing did get Thea thinking. It hadn’t taken her long to out learn what Olen could teach her though she knew he wasn’t what anyone would call a ‘master nullomancer’. Still she had been under his tutelage for nearly a month before the frustration of having nothing more to learn had driven her to seek out Arbos. He truly seemed the no nonsense sort despite having a rather crass sense of humor. While she didn’t necessarily fear being humiliated by his antics, she did worry about disappointing him, and herself for that matter.