Hello, hello, hello, fellow RWBY fanpersons. [hider] Someone else who thought of the Penny-blades being used by someone else...nice. So here are a number of theories I thought I'd share. Or questions with answers suspected. These are drawn from clues throughout all three seasons of RWBY. First: Cinder has some kind of agreement with the Grimm. Reasoning: I find her relationship with the Grimm rather...convenient. She has a glove with some sort of special Aura-sucking Grimm spider thing, she can get the Grimm to hop in White Fang dropships and let themselves be ferried to Beacon, etc. In addition, Doctor Oobleck said that not all Grimm are mindless...I bet there is some alpha Grimm out there that Cinder dealt with before she even recruited Emerald and Mercury. What I still don't know are her motives. Second: Penny will return. Reasoning: This is kinda a stretch, however firstly, Penny is a robot. Death may or may not be the end for her. Second, she said something to Ruby that got me thinking. She said that she wanted to attend Beacon academy, but then Ruby said they wouldn't let her. She responded, "Don't worry Ruby! I have a plan!" Why would RT include that bit if it would never even be revealed, much less come to fruition, due to her untimely demise? I had a third...but I forgot it. Finally, an observation. There are 20+ teenagers who attend various combat schools, are armed with high-tech and very lethal weaponry which they very much know how to use, originally brought together for a combat tournament, now faced with a large-scale attack by multiple enemies...a lot of which being the very force they were being trained to fight in the first place, and the normal defenses are failing...miserably. So naturally, people say things like, "Run!" "No one would blame you if you left." and "Save yourselves." What teenager in their right mind would POSSIBLY actually follow that advice? Could anyone think of any scenario where they might NOT charge in and help fight? [/hider]