[b]Ayumu Route - Resolution[/b] Enough. There was no need for this farce to continue. Between joining a friggin' crime syndicate, wondering about the sanctity of his bank account and figuring out how to schedule today’s responsibilities, Ayumu had enough to worry about, and he was not about to let Yuki alter his relationship status without his permission. There was a suitably dramatic time and place for something like that, and both sides always had a choice in the matter. 'Walking along the road on the way to the mall with your friends before lunch and offhandedly indicating that such a thing was fact' fulfilled neither of those two conditions. His rejection of this false reality would be swift, and it would fall on her like lightning upon the earth. [color=F19CBB]"[i]No,[/i]"[/color] he stated firmly, emphasizing his point with crossed arms and a very peeved glare in Yuki's direction, [color=F19CBB]"On [i]both[/i] of those accounts."[/color] Not at all long after that, Ayumu got his answer from a very embarrassed (though let it be said that was not something he had intended) Sachiko, but it wasn't really the answer he was looking for. [color=F19CBB]"Huh..."[/color] Ayumu stopped in his tracks and looked back to Sachiko. It was just a question, an instigator of useless small talk. He hadn't really expected anything personal to come out of this. [color=F19CBB]"Yeah, that's fine,"[/color] he answered with an affirmative nod, [color=F19CBB]"But, ah, I know you might not want to talk about it, but if you ever needed help with your sister - or anything really - you could always have asked."[/color] After all, nobody should have to be driven to use dubious agreements as compromise to get something they truly needed. [color=F19CBB]"...Though I don't think these Vongola guys'd let you out that easily anymore, so you should probably just use their offer, heh,"[/color] he half-joked as he resumed walking the trail towards the runners. Listening to the short exchange behind him made him think about his own younger sister and his family situation. [color=F19CBB][i]'Gah... I don't need seriousness this early in the morning,'[/i][/color] he inwardly groaned. [color=F19CBB]"Oh right."[/color] Ayumu said those words like he'd forgotten something important, when all he really wanted was to take his mind off things. He looked back over his shoulder, a satisfied grin on his face, [color=F19CBB]"Y'know covering up that face of yours only makes your embarrassed expression shine all the brighter."[/color] Expecting that to be the end of any discussion, he quickened his - and by extension, the group following him's - pace. Fashionably late was fine and dandy, but at the snail's pace they were going, their lateness would be of immense inconvenience...or perhaps it would provide the runners a much needed respite by which they could gather themselves and lord over the non-runners with their significant athletic superiority, as it were. That was probably a hyperbole. Probably. Nevertheless, Ayumu was asked a question, so he slowed his pace so as to let himself fall back in line with the two girls. [color=F19CBB]"That's a good question,"[/color] he remarked, unsure of what his own answer would be, [color=F19CBB]"I'll think about it and get back to you in a bit."[/color] ...But the rest of the walk was filled with silence. [hr] [b]Yoshiaki Sugihara - Ready to Go[/b] Now this was something Yoshiaki had not expected. Despite his loud mouth, it really had been more of a game his mind had isolated to him and Rei. Now, Sanji and Hisaki were in on it, Hisaki likely because of the whole ‘loser paying’ thing and Sanji for similar reasons if not his own competitive attitude. [color=orange]“Cheap?! HA! As if how we started matters! You’re just mad, it’s not an event you can win with that monstrous strength of…”[/color] He stopped for a moment when she jumped. Guess the other ones weren’t joining. No matter. He sighed. Rei wasn’t gonna just lose. With that, he hopped over the rail. [color=orange]“I’m not going down so easily!”[/color] And so the race went on. For a while it seemed as though it would be quite close. But being that he was more of an academic or business man, Sanji began to fall a bit behind in the last leg of the race.this was still commendable given his slight disadvantage. However, with him becoming less of a worry yoshi now has to focus on Rei and Hisaki. This was tougher. Rei had managed a bit of a lead with her little jump and a few other ones along the way. He and Hisaki were more or less neck and neck. [color=orange]“Dammit! Get back here!”[/color] He would call out to Rei occasionally among other things. He hated losing. At this pace he couldn't help but wonder whether the others would join. They probably could have. Although it didn't matter all that much to him anyway. And so the race went on and the destination came into view. That was when Yoshi and Hisaki really got serious with Rei. But the lead was pretty hard to close. Even as the two boys got closer, the girl wouldn't relinquish her position. Thus, the race came to an end. Rei stood victorious, while Yoshi and Hisaki tied for second. [color=orange]“DAMMIT!”[/color] Yoshi shouted angrily. He accepted his defeat but he didn't like it. Soon the others would arrive. [color=F19CBB]“We’re here~”[/color] The thing he noticed first was that pretty bastard Ayumu. He wouldn't actively call him on it, but if the guy weasels a conversation out of the mafia boss, which was highly likely, he’d definitely bring it up. [color=orange]“Whatever. Since apparently this was a group thing, and I can't be a very good boss if I don't hold up my own rules, Ayumu’s paying.”[/color] ([color=F19CBB]“How ruthless of you”[/color] ;w;) He said visually displease with the group dynamic. Frankly he only really liked Rei. The rest, Hisaki included, were unnecessary. And even Rei could get on his nerve every once in a while. [color=orange]“Let's get a move on. Maybe grab a bite to eat.”[/color] He gave the order, perhaps falling into the role a bit too easily, as he slipped his hands into his pockets and begin to walk. [color=orange]“No weaseling out of it either pretty boy!”[/color] With that he was on his way heading to one of the nearest stores that sold camping equipment. After that the day progressed pretty smoothly. Everybody more or less got what they wanted some spending their own, some spending Ayumu’s. Yoshi spent Ayumu’s partially out of spite for what he perceived was a loss the young man had taken on purpose, which annoyed Yoshi to no end for some reason. [center]***[/center] Still, the time past and soon the group was eating. Yoshi was sitting down alone eating. He was annoyed. The others were more or less grouped up and engaging each other while he grumbled. And when he saw Ayumu approach him it took everything not to lose his shit. He tried to ignore the young man. He tried so hard. But it was clear the bastard wasn't going to let up. Before Ayumu could open his mouth to say anything, Yoshi took initiative. [color=orange]"Alright you confusing freak of nature,"[/color] he began brusquely, [color=orange]"Since you obviously wanna talk, I’ll talk. But this time, I'm asking the questions."[/color] Ayumu blinked, slightly taken aback by the boy's sudden declaration. Considering that a sufficient indication that he understood, Vongola XIII continued, [color=orange]"You're willingly using your money to pay for a bunch of people you barely know anything about. What's your game? Why the hell did you lose?"[/color] He crossed his arms and glared at the boy who was just sitting across from him and preparing to eating tuna rolls like he nothing was amiss. Tucking a napkin into his shirt and splitting his disposable chopsticks, Ayumu picked up a roll, soaked it into soy sauce, and downed it. [color=F19CBB]"Yoshiaki-kun! Is that really an appropriate way to greet your subordinates?"[/color] Ayumu asked, sounding all the world like a teacher taken aback by a petulant child, [color=F19CBB]"Why not 'Hi, how's it going?' Or 'What do you want from me?' I would even accept 'Oh Ayumu you beautiful, charitable boy, let me reimburse you for generously spending your hard-earned yen on my folly - I’m feeling faint… o...h...~'"[/color] He closed his eyes, leaned back, and threw his arm across his forehead in a fake-swoon. Letting that image settle in, Ayumu reached out towards his tray of food with his left, plucked his second tuna roll, dipped it in his sauce, and dropped it into his mouth. As he chewed, he got back into a regular sitting position. [color=F19CBB]"Anyway, since you asked, it's a bit embarrassing,"[/color] he swallowed before taking a drink of his water, [color=F19CBB]"But it seems that those two lovely ladies took me by surprise and left me in the dust."[/color] [color=orange]"That’s such bullshit!"[/color] Yoshiaki exclaimed not even a moment after Ayumu gave his answer. It was like he was looking down on him and not taking his irritable interrogation seriously at all. He stood up and pressed for more information, [color=orange]"You were so close behind! I mean there wasn’t even a minute between their arrival and your’s. You could have done something. I know you could have, you sneaky little two-faced fuck. It's completely in your nature. especially when they aren't as well versed in the area as you. You could have that or done something else. I don't know what. But you could have!" [/color] Ayumu imagined Yoshi slamming his hands against the table as he spoke. [color=F19CBB][i]'Hmm, that [/i]is[i] very mafia boss-ish,'[/i][/color] he thought, recalling a movie he saw way back when. [color=F19CBB][i]'Certainly can't imagine him in a suit with a nicely groomed little moustache, though,'[/i][/color] he smiled a little bit at that thought. [color=F19CBB]"My my, how perceptive of you! I suppose I've been caught red-handed,"[/color] he replied nonchalantly, playing off his smile as something more mysterious than it actually was. He looked up at Yoshiaki, [color=F19CBB]"Lean in and let me tell you a secret."[/color] Now, a statement like that immediately caused Yoshi to become suspicious. He'd played enough games and read enough manga to see where this easily could go. Unfortunately, he wanted to know whatever it was Ayumu was about to say, so against his better judgement, he leaned forward. [color=F19CBB]"The truth is..."[/color] Ayumu whispered as he did nothing else - [color=orange][i]'Oh thank goodness,'[/i][/color] Yoshi thought; he really dodged a homoerotic bullet there - [color=F19CBB]"...I lost [i]on purpose[/i]."[/color] Yoshi was struck silent as his palm met his face and slowly slid off. [color=orange]"I... I already told you that I... GAH! I [i]know[/i] that already, you bastard! I want to know [i]why[/i]."[/color] [color=F19CBB]"Well let me enlighten you then,"[/color] he chirped, dabbing the soy sauce from the corner of his lips. Having just finished eating his food, he set his chopsticks down. [color=F19CBB]"It's a bit of a story, so brace yourself,"[/color] he warned, [color=F19CBB]"Once upon a ti-"[/color] [color=orange]"Get on with it."[/color] [color=F19CBB]"...Basically, though it would save me money, taking advantage of two young ladies unfamiliar with the city would be an awful display of manners and what would widely be considered a ‘dick move’. And thus, as they say, ladies first,"[/color] he summarized as he interlocked his fingers, [color=F19CBB]"Does that cover everything?"[/color] [color=orange]"There's more to it than that."[/color] [color=F19CBB]"Well I [i]do[/i] need to maintain my gentlemanly charms after all,"[/color] he flicked his hair and rested his chin on his palm, [color=F19CBB]"So I suppose you could say something there’s more to it. Oh the things I do..."[/color] [color=orange]"Whatever. I still don't believe you just you just rolled over and took that,"[/color] Yoshi huffed, rolling his eyes and directing his gaze off towards the others, [color=orange]"I mean you you didn't even really participate. So you didn't even really have to follow through with the stupid penalty.”[/color] Ayumu laughed. [color=F19CBB]"Hah! Damn, well today’s not really my day, is it? Oh well,"[/color] he flicked his hand as if waving off any concern, [color=F19CBB]“Anyway, Yoshiaki-kun, I’m sure you’ve got other things to do. No need to worry about little old me."[/color] [color=orange]"Whatever. I wasn't worrying. I was just dumbfounded by your actions. I just can't wrap my head around all this mafia shit and all your shit is just making it-"[/color] he groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose, [color=orange]"Forget it! We got what we needed. I'm going home, and I'm gonna fucking sleep."[/color] Having said what he wanted to say, the budding mafia boss stood up, no longer paying his mist guardian to be any mind. He dumped the mess of crumbs and leftovers on his tray and tossed the tray on top of trash bin. [color=orange]“Wish I could say this was fun, but it was mostly kind of annoying as fuck.”[/color] He mumbled to himself as he began on his way with his things. [color=orange]“See you all tomorrow!”[/color] He spoke up deciding it best to give something of a farewell rather than simply leaving. [color=F19CBB]"Can you throw my trash away while you're at it?"[/color] Ayumu asked innocently, offering his empty tray. [color=orange]"No!"[/color] And with that he went home. He had to get ready and talk to his mom. [color=orange][i]This can’t go too badly right?[/i][/color] [center]***[/center] At least that’s what he thought. in truth he had to deal with his mom gush over the idea of him making friends and suspicious looks from his admittedly cowardly little sister as to what might be going on. He assured them and things went on and so the family discussion went until the young man found himself laying in bed awake looking up at his ceiling. He was so ready for tomorrow. At least he thought he was. He was excited and yet anxious and a mess of other things all at once. This might have been what he’d wanted all along. He just knew there had to be something special about himself. Something just always… He stopped. He needed to rest. He couldn't get into this no matter how right he was and how awesome this could be. [hr] [center][h2]Dawn of the First Day[/h2] [b]May 14, 9:00 AM, Mountain Trail[/b][/center] Yoshi grumbled lugging his things on his back as he and the rest of the group hiked up the trailed to the site they’d be camping at. He could understand the early start and having to reach the campsite. He could! But it seemed like the baby, who’s been sitting on his head for a while now, had actively chosen the toughest path possible with that crazy fox lady. Was this some kind of punishment? No… training was more like it. The boy wasn't in the front. More around the middle. He glanced back and then ahead. So this was it. The true beginning. He couldn't help but wonder what this trip held in store for the group. The baby wasn't talking. Actually he seemed to be meditating or something. The fox was another story. She certainly did things at her own pace. Even he could tell she wouldn't spill the beans just yet. [color=orange]“God dammit…”[/color] He whispered under his breath. [color=red]”Language.”[/color] [color=orange]“Ah!”[/color] A yelp of pain resounded as he received a strike to head from his passenger. [color=orange]“You little!”[/color] Another strike stopped his disgruntled utterances. He knew this could only continue and the damn abnormal baby wouldn't stop, nor was he sure he could stop the child. He just had to deal as the hike continued.