[i]"All right, people!" she called out loud to the squadron. "You're done here; chief Grayson's team can handle the rest. We've given them the leg-up they needed. Fall out; head to the Mess Hall and grab yourselves some chow. Then you're all on crew rest until we come outta the jump. Get moving, folks".[/i] "Yes Ma'am." Nick said, before thanking his tech crew for all their hard work. "I promise, ill do my best to keep her under 55, only use premium, and no showing off." Earning a few smirks and a groan from the lead tech, he turned and headed down the halls to the mess hall, glanced towards Gurjan as he left, frowning in contemplation. following the crowd heading towards mess, he stood in line, as they filed in, and waited even more as fellow shipmates awkwardly flip-flopped over choices. "several Thousand years, and mess halls are the same as they were in the stone ages." Nick muttered, receiving a dark glance from the indecisive folk, and several chuckles behind him. Grabbing some dark oat bread, and some other essentials, he found a relatively empty table and assembled his master crafted sandwich. molasses oat bread with black forest ham, cheddar cheese, pickles and mustard, a simple, but easy to ruin sandwich. it was short lived. having finished his meal, he managed to unpack, shower, and dress down into a more comfortable T-shirt, and cargos before returning to the mess to find a oil slicked and famished Gurjan. Grabbing two bottles of water, he wandered over to his area, and took a seat across from him, passing a bottle to Gurjan. "well, I admire your dedication to orders, but I do believe the colonel would understand if you took a shower first." he said, drinking from his own, then diving headfirst into what was bothering him. "so... what was all that about in the hanger?"