[h2]Team [color=yellow]M[/color][color=red]J[/color][color=black]S[/color][color=960018]C[/color] Majestic[/h2] [b]Members:[/b] Maurice Musstar, Jasper Hawkins, Soot Sincloud, Carmine Icterine [b]Theme:[/b] Chronicles of Narnia [hider=Maurice Musstar] [b]Name:[/b] Maurice Musstar [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Color:[/b] Mustard Yellow [b]Personality:[/b] Though surly and resentful as a child, Maurice is now highly mature and highly intelligent. His experiences at Haven effectively beat the brat out of him, and the man known to Beacon is a quiet, contemplative, and at times devilishly cunning one. He is highly flexible and always appearing to be in charge of the situation, enabling him to roll with punches and come up with new plans on the fly. Unfortunately, he is also the self-doubting type, and despite his talent and brilliance often acts as his own worst enemy. In his mind, however heroic he may be, he is far from perfect, and may never be more than a ‘rising star’. [b]Armament:[/b] To say that Maurice uses a sword and shield would be a perversion of his two intricate, specialized weapons. The Rising Starlight is a curved blade, reminiscent of a scimitar, but rather than held by a handle the blade is attached to Maurice’s elbow via a metal brace, and it extends opposite from his forearm. Though requiring a unique and complex style to use effectively, this design means that no force whatsoever is lost between body and blade. The Little Sun, meanwhile, is a buckler shield barely larger than a dinnerplate, though thick and rounded. Instead of blocking, this shield is useful for parrying opponents’ weapons, giving Maurice an opportunity to counterattack. However, the Little Sun also hides a nasty trick: the outer rim is a separate ring of metal from the rest of the buckler, and a button on its back will start the ring spinning like a sawblade. In a clutch moment, the Little Sun can be thrown like a discus. Maurice fights very offensively, rushing in against opponents and moving nimbly around them and their attacks. He constantly seeks to use the opponents' choices and strengths against them, not because he lacks power himself, but because it is the flashiest, most impressive, and most opponent-humiliating way to fight. [b]Semblance:[/b] Following his personality shift in his younger teen years, Maurice’s semblance became oriented toward his sometimes self-effacing attitude. Valiance affects the light surrounding Maurice. If he’s in the middle of action, the light will intensify, making him appear to be glowing like the sun. If he’s trying to escape or otherwise step back, the light weakens, making him appear transparent and even near-invisible as long as he’s standing still. The light of courage empowers him, on the offense and defense alike. To be sure, a valiant man is one who is not afraid to do what must be done, be it shoot like a comet into the howling dark, or to choose to live when all else is lost. [b]Appearance:[/b] At first glance, Maurice does not stand out. He has black hair, spiky but very short. Stubble lines his mouth and dark eyes glint out from his head. His robe’s high, practically aristocratic quality is masked by its unassuming purplish-gray color, though sashes of orange and blue do wind around his waist, torso, and shoulders. A plain white mantle flutters from his back, and simple brown pants and Spartan sandals complete the look. Beneath all this Maurice is wiry and powerfully built, though he does not flaunt it. [b]Inspired By:[/b] Peter [/hider] [hider=Jasper Hawkins] [b]Name:[/b] Jasper Hawkins [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Color:[/b] Jasper Red [b]Personality:[/b] Jackson is a very independent person. He grew up always in the shadow of his older brother and as such detests authority. He reacts rather badly to be told point blank what to do though he is capable of considering the points others make about the proper course of action as long as they are not phrased like an order. Jackson is perhaps not easily manipulated but there is a great deal he could be convinced to do if under the impression that it will help those he cares about. Nevertheless, he is an extremely cynical individual; for instance, he denies the existence of subjective experience, purpose in life, and rationality of the world, as well as love and faith. He proves somewhat difficult to get along with, even after some time. [b]Armament:[/b] Jasper wields the [url= http://orig08.deviantart.net/b0c4/f/2010/303/8/9/898c3217676f7c2d0f33fc95cb4737f0-d31u97a.jpg]Dark Nova[/url], a one-of-a-kind device invented originally for electrokinetic manipulation and adapted into a weapon by him. Part bracer and part arm cannon, the Dark Nova boasts a variety of functions that hinge upon several factors that a panel on the weapon’s handle controls: power, cohesion, and current. Power controls the energy’s overall force, cohesion the general consistency of the energy, and current its speed. With low cohesion, the energy is spread out in a general cone-shape, and low power gives it a constant flow while high power enables a shotgun-like blast. High cohesion creates an explosive orb at high power and low speed, a beam at high power and high speed, a rain of projectiles at low power and low current, and a flamethrower-like effect at low power and high current. With medium power, cohesion, and current, the Dark Nova creates a potent thrust effect. Jasper prefers to be in the thick of things, with little regard for his own safety. His is a raw-power-over-skill approach, though his adaptability to both enemy styles and effective ranges cannot be underestimated. Though of course reluctant to obey direct orders, he does in fact try to assist teammates in his own way, often thankful for their distractions. [b]Semblance:[/b] [i]Materialism[/i] – with invisible waves, Jasper can cancel out both semblance and dust magic, reducing them to either matter or nothing at all. These waves are conical and short-ranged, but can be sustained to negate incoming dust-bullet fire. Such is Jasper’s conviction in the philosophy of the same name that his semblance derives from it. [b]Appearance:[/b] As young men go, Jasper is noticeably diminutive, standing at a mere five feet four inches. Stockily built, this crow faunus sports a fan of steel-gray hair and sideburns of short, neatly-trimmed feathers. His hazel eyes bear a near-perpetual squint, and the bags under his eyes attest to long hours of self-betterment, though curiously not enough to assuage his characteristic solemn frown. He wears a red shirt with a teal logger’s jacket over red jeans, and a few too many belts. [b]Inspired By:[/b] Peter [/hider] [hider=Soot Sincloud] [b]Name:[/b] Soot Sincloud [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Color:[/b] Black [b]Personality:[/b] In any situation Soot is invariably the optimist. She tries to see the good in those around her and has faith that no matter what goes wrong it can be put right. Despite this outlook she is not a fool. Soot weighs her actions very carefully when she has time to do so though she when in a tight spot she acts primarily out of instinct and believes that everything will turn out for the best. Her imagination gives her a unique perspective, alongside various quirks, that can both help and hinder those around her while invariably drawing them closer to her. While seemingly gullible, she in fact weighs new beliefs with a surprisingly astute reason, and believes in order to understand. [b]Armament:[/b] In battle, Soot uses the [url= http://img13.deviantart.net/55f1/i/2015/025/7/d/dual_ebony_by_jackbryanreynard-d8agpqe.png]Cleaners[/url], a pair of steel knuckles with revolver barrels as the handles. The knuckles themselves feature retractable spikes, adding an extra dimension of nastiness to their already-formidable stopping power at point-blank range, where their lightness enables a near-unmatched fluidity of movement. The revolvers’ unstable shadow-dust payloads can be activated by mere dust channeling, shooting off in the middle of melee combat with admittedly terrible accuracy. Given a moment to shift around, the knuckles can also fold out into actual grips for which the revolver barrels, from which actual barrels can extend for better shooting. The Cleaners’ shadow dust not only inflicts damage, but also an affect affectionately dubbed ‘curse’, which slows movement and makes both running and jumping floaty. As much as her weapons might hint at it, many fail to imagine that Soot might be the most aggressive member of her team. She doesn’t hit extremely hard or bring a lot of stamina to the table, but the speed and agility with which she moves and fights make her an exceptional burst fighter. Weaving in and out of melee range, she punishes enemies hard for their mistakes. When too tired from an especially energetic burst of activity, she can still make herself useful by falling back and supporting her allies with her semblance, though at the cost of her continued ability to take punishment—though getting hit is never the aim of the game with Soot. [b]Semblance:[/b] [i]Deep Magic[/i] - Derived from Soot's desire to help people and her faith in humanity’s purpose. Deep Magic allows her to heal those around her at the cost of her own aura. She essentially depletes her own natural reserves to heal the wounds of others. She has an ability she has never told anyone about which she calls [i]The Deeper Magic[/i], by expending her entire aura and the energies of her soul Soot is about to revive the recently deceased. This amazing ability however has a very grave cost, Soot's own life. Such an act drains her completely leaving her body lifeless. [b]Appearance:[/b] A rather ordinary face, despite a few freckles, looks out from shoulder-length, scarlet-red hair. Soot sports silver eyes with vertical black lines drawn beneath them and a black headband, which neatly match her triangle-patterned black shoulder cape and the long black gloves that extend to her elbows. Help kept in place by the leather shoulder-guard to which the cape is attached is a wave-patterned brown and gray tube top, while a black, gray, and white speckled sash winds about her waist and torso up to the shoulder-guard. The wave pattern reemerges in her brown and gray knee-length skirt, though beneath it are black leggings that reach down to close-fitting, slipper-like brown shoes. [b]Inspired By:[/b] Lucy [/hider] [hider=Carmine Icterine] [b]Name:[/b] Carmine Icterine [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Color:[/b] Carmine [b]Personality:[/b] ‘Methodical’ is a good summation of Carmine. She is by no means a risk taker, instead depending on what she knows to get her through scrapes. Though reliable under normal circumstances, she is somewhat easily panicked when her personal space is invaded. Both in battle and in normal circumstances, she prefers to passively support her friends, getting involved only when absolutely necessary. An underlying note of quiet pride can be discerned in her, which in her specific case seems to be the reason why she’ll never lie, cheat, or steal. Carmine is typically friendly and calm, but when push comes to shove, can dredge up enough strength to protect what she cares about. [b]Armament:[/b] Carmine’s weapon is a compound bow called Gentle Dusk. Though easily and quickly drawn, its mechanism ensures that its fired arrows soar with the force of a longbow. The quiver for Gentle Dusk is strapped to the underside of Carmine’s right forearm, and after sensing a particular hand motion, smoothly ejects an arrow into her hand for immediate use. Gentle Dusk transforms by retracting the string into the wheels on the bow’s top and bottom before splitting into the middle. At this point the function of the seemingly nonsensical dual grips on either side of the bow’s arrow notch become clear; Carmine grasps them in a reverse grip as the wheels begin to whirl, revealing sharp teeth. In this form, Gentle Dusk serves as dual buzzsaws on long, curved handles, though those that call them ‘pizza cutters’ aren’t too far off the mark. In combat, Carmine prefers the indirect approach. Always more comfortable with teammates, she supports them from afar with Gentle Dusk’s bow form, finding weak points to open wide or hit hard at an opportune moment. If forced to engage, Carmine has no qualms about whipping out the pizza cutters and attacking with a straightforward, effective offense. However, Carmine’s melee capabilities make her more of a distraction unless someone else permits her to safely enter effective assassination range. Generally, Carmine can be found near the back of the group, flaunting a passive-aggressive style. [b]Semblance:[/b] The semblance of Carmine, recorded as ‘repel’, stems from both her protectiveness and her tendency to avoid getting involved in problems. By channeling her aura into any physical object, it not only increases the object’s durability and rigidity, but increases the degree to which attacks against it are deflected. Most often, Carmine applies this to her own hair to make her prized possession into an incredible shield, though empowering the equipment of teammates also serves her well. More trickily, she can also use it on opponents’ clothing to make moving more difficult or impacts more disorienting. [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall but otherwise possessed of an average physique, Carmine’s is an equivalent to Hispanic ethnicity, with close to caramel-colored skin and luxuriously thick, wavy, ink-black hair that falls all the way to her ankles. This hair is her pride and joy; her near-constant care of it gives it a fascinating sheen and an at-times capelike shape. Almost as astonishing are her eyes, almond-shaped orbs of firetruck-red, small but almost frighteningly piercing. She wears a short-sleeved, turtleneck sweater skirt of a vertically-striped burgundy and black pattern, which ends at about mid-thigh. Beneath it, she wears dull yellow tights and black sports shoes. Around each wrist are numerous bracelets of various subtle colors, and on her hands are thin yellow gloves with only her fingertips exposed. Hers is a solemn but graceful figure, seldom present to overt enthusiasm or unhappiness, but too remarkable to fade out of memory nonetheless. [b]Inspired By:[/b] Susan [/hider]