[center][color=green][h1]Diana[/h1][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pWQ1Wc7.gif[/img][/center] Seemingly eager to capitalize on Hyakuya's show of weakness a wyvern rider dove from above to strike at the dragon's head. Diana's eyes glinted with a fierce light and she ran forward, placing one foot on Hyakuya's back and leapt upwards, driving her lance into the rider's armor and sending him flying off his mount. Diana awkwardly fell through the air several feet towards the ground. Seeing a now or never moment the remaining two rider came at her from either side, weapons raised to finish her off while she was in the air. Well maybe this had looked a little better in her head. Hopefully her team wasn't too starstruck by her stunt to give her a hand. [color=green]"Help!?"[/color] On the bright side the two rider's seemed committed, so if the two of them were finished off they won. Diana would like to be still alive when they did though.