[center][h1]Hiro Anu[/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/UsWvi37.gif[/img] [/center] Hiro was busy having his little rejoicing moment of not being impaled and the fact that they were working pretty great as a team thus far. However, another matter needed his attention, two Pegasus riders were heading straight towards Diana, who was free falling after taking out one of the wyvern riders. The archer took aim at one of the Pegasus riders before he saw that the Manakete had caught Diana, it was good because that would be one less dead team member. Hiro's eyes went back to the two Pegasus riders and fired on one of them, the arrow caught the rider in the side, most likely the armor prevented the arrow from doing much internal damage but the force was enough to knock the rider off. Quickly, Hiro fired another shot to ward off the other so that they would have to avoid being hit by both an archer and potentially a Mage.