[quote=@ADParis] BAM I GOT A CHARACTER. He's still kinda.. iffy, and I might've forgotten just how far into the outbreak the RP is - I assumed maybe a couple weeks? - so until I'm corrected I'm keeping everything as is. Aside from the lack of a picture of course. I'll have that soon-ish. :P [/quote] I think it's about a week so there's still survivors and people who don't understand what's going on. Yeah, with my character I have a 'rough' idea of where to take her history and all that jazz, so I may add stuff to the character sheet over time. Just wanted to get the personality of her a on the right track so I can play around with things. She might go down a similar direction as another character that I scripted up and never used [i](Thanks to the GM who started to verbally abuse his party members and left me the decision of pulling out of that RP)[/i] [@Fennec] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/618SA67766L._AC_UL320_SR250,320_.jpg[/img] [/hider] [quote=@ADParis] edit: also that's kinda funny that Saph and Matt have almost the same text color.. [s]they must be soulmates or something.[/s] [/quote] Whoops, Bugger... xD I actually used an old template for another character. I was meaning to change it but was reading BB code so it didn't register.