Name: Niesha Dee'Shan Age: 24 Gender: female Race: Nimin Homeworld: a small plant, by the name of "chimasin" Position:medic (nurse) Personality: Niesha is quite a calm individual, rarely becoming angry. She is a bright person, if a little reserved at times. She is kind, and caring, and will go to any lengths to help someone injured or hurting. She at times does not understand humor, and as such she can appear quite cold. She is a more logical individual then she is amusing, and this can cause strains in relationships, but she is generally a good person. She can come across as a bit of a know it all, but she means well. Appearance: standing at 6 foot 2 inches, Niesha has a very slender frame that almost seems like it could snap in two with a gust of wind. Her long slender fingers work smoothly when she works on patients. (I do have an image but it won't let me load it, so I'll try on my laptop later) Abilities: Some natural healing abilities, Niesha is able to heal wounds (closing skin, and stopping internal bleeding) and able to increase healing times She has some empathy. She has exceptional medical knowledge Can use weapons, if forced to Equipment: A medical kit, quite large, with various supplies for field work. A supply of rations A knife Biography: a reserved individual, Niesha keeps a lot of her history to herself. She grew up on a small planet, making ends meet by helping her parents, she struggled hard to get where she is, and prefers to keep the rest of her history private.