[center][h3]Tybalt Argyris[/h3][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/wkU1ZJ2.gif[/img][/center] Tybalt couldn’t help but let out an encouraged cheer as he saw the impressive maneuver the Manakete had pulled off to take two of the six opponents down in one fell swoop, toppling in a mass of flapping wings. He did noticed the dragon take a hit, but the young mage noticed how little the wound truly slowed the dragon down. He took a personal note to help find a healer for the dragonkin later, hopefully being able to help him in return for what incredible aid he just offered the party. This was almost immediately followed by an equally impressive movement by the group’s lance fighter, the girl who had introduced herself as Diana leapt up and in an astounding display had thoroughly incapacitated yet another rider. He had to admit, there was a definitely good reason these people were being chosen as candidates to protect the king, even as recruits these people were simply amazing fighters. He wondered if he would even be in the running after the archer, lancer, and Manakete had just made such a mark. Of course, he had to remain focused, Hiro had laid out another Pegasus who had tried to advance on Diana, knocking her off of her Pegasus knight and once more incapacitating one more rider. There was only one more set of wings in the sky, a single Pegasus knight now trying to fly back in the sky and retreat from the fight. [color=f7976a][b]“Oh no you don’t!”[/b][/color] Tybalt shouted, flipping his book open and lining up another shot. With a fiery gesture, he flung another bristling gust of wind, rocketing through the trees and ripping branches asunder. The last knight never even cleared the treeline before the wind tumbled it head over heels, the pegasus shrieking as it was yanked out of its flight path. Tumbling back to the ground, the resulting descent was softened by the plethora of branches before the beast tumbled back to the ground. [b][color=f7976a]“Haha! We did it!”[/color][/b] Tybalt said in another ecstatic cheer. [color=f7976a][b]“That’s all of them, right?”[/b][/color]