After a rather harsh winter, during which many cats starved to death, two groups formed under the stars. These cats were united by few who were given visions and dreams in which they spoke with the Ancestor Cats. These cats formed OakClan and BoulderClan. Those who favored the trees came together to claim the territory swathed in foliage, whereas those who prefer the rugged outlook of the mountains became what is now BoulderClan. It's been three seasons since these two clans came together, and their code is still in progress. Jump to the other side of the mountains, swathed in rumor and mystery, three clans have remained for generations. Once they were four, but a great war split them down the center and those that were left joined the three remaining or left. AshClan finds it's home inside of a dormant volcano, it's heat and acidic life giving them a resistance to the harsher elements of life. AshClan rarely speaks with the other two clans here, preferring their solitude inside of territories that no one else dare would touch. Amid the bowing willows of the great rivers rests the island of LightClan's camp. These cats pride strength, warrior blood, and prowess above all else. They despise weakness, and refuse to take in cats who have never proved themselves. The final, and possibly the most accepting of all these five clans, is CliffClan. Formed largely of loners, rogues and kittypets, CliifClan cannot refuse a cat in need. These cats make their home in the mountains opposite the lake, their camp carved into a clearing encased in rocks and bramble. [hr] [hider=Character Application] Name - Gender - Rank - Clan - Appearance - (Pics are accepted) Personality - Relationships (Family/Mate/Crush) - History - (Optional) Other - Please tag myself in all finished sheets so I may review. Try to keep them all in the same post if possible. [/hider] [hr] [b]OakClan[/b], recently formed, make their home in the forest beneath the mountains. The valley is untouched by twolegs, with a single river running it's length and a waterfall in the west. These cats range in talents, though they take naturally to the underbrush and trees of their territory. Proud cats, but kind, these wild cats are. Rivals with BoulderClan, their leader is a cat of great charisma with the fairest mate of them all - their medicine cat. The cats are learning to behave and work together, though some may have issues with other cats, the higher ups encourage them to work things out. [b]BoulderClan[/b], made of cats who prefer the harsh and rugged look on life. They make their home above the forest floor where they cannot see the jungle beneath them. Their camp is a series of tunnels and caverns inside of their mountain. They hunt mostly birds, and lack the skill to climb trees or hide in underbrush, though they are phenomenal at climbing rocks and going unseen against the stone. They're balance is praised. [b]AshClan[/b], one of the four across the mountain ridge, makes it's home in a dormant volcano. These cats are resistant to poisonous elements, often coloured in darker pelts and have rather light eyes for wild cats. They're a neutral presence in their home, and make the pines beneath the volcano their territory. [b]CliffClan[/b], possibly the most accepting of all the clans, live in the forested area of their valley. Their territory is wide and long, their camp in an old quarry abandoned for generations. The closest knit of all the clans they would never turn away a cat in need, even if that cat was an enemy. [b]LightClan[/b], unlike the others, are brutal in their training. They are Warriors down to the very last fiber. They despise weakness in all it's forms and actively cast out those who are not strong enough to survive. This clan of cats makes it's camp on a small island between rivers, often hunting fish and other predators. Strong swimmers with determination to last them centuries, LightClan will never back down from a fight.