The men all wore the same lose long leather coats which sides hung from their sleeves as if to make their figure more imposing. Those protected knee length hauberks tightened by multiple belts and straps. Over the mail sat a navy blue leather cuirass. Though it opened in the front like a double breasted jacket with metal toggles each moving part was so thick and rigid moved like that the entire moved like a set of articulated plates. Their head wrapped in chequered wool and the capelet of their coat raised up into a hood, they had been scurrying down the unpleasant streets. The rain made Sayrn's affliction worse. The rain was toxic mud before it touched the ground, bleeding through fabric and worming through every crack. It was clear from their demeanour that none of them wanted to be here. Corvo was caught off guard by their leader's question but though he tensed up for a second he emptied his mind and turned to him. "May I help you sir?" He said with the reverence of an honest citizen. The lead guard cocked his head to the side. "Have you been around the square at noon today?" "Yes sir" "We've got reports of some kind of unusual phenomenon happening in here around that time. Have you seen anything?" "Can you be more specific sir?" The marshals exchanged a few looks, growing more suspicious. "Like people getting frozen in place, before falling over... surely you wouldn't miss something like that?" The leader narrowed his eyes. "Well, I can't say that I've seen the deed done. Maybe it happened before I arrived." "Hmm..." The lead marshal grunted and looked Corvo over, noting his equipment and weapons. "And what exactly is the purpose of your visit if i may?" "Business sir. I work security for high and mighty people. I was to meet a clients messenger here a few hours ago. Haven't shown up." Corvo threw a glance sideways to the centre of the place, running his tongue behind his lips. "They like to pull that sometimes. They think they're testing you... you know." The leading marshal paused for a moment then smiled. "Ah, i did hear something about House Ellear hiring outside help, since they've been hit by bandits lately" Corvo retained a chuckle. "I'm not at liberty of discussing that information. Or well, at least that's what I would normally say. Truth is, I know as much as you on the subject." The marshals exchanged a few looks, before the leader turned back to Corvo with a nod. "Yeah, sounds like the nobility alright. Okay, thank you for your time and may the Emperor keep you." Giving him one last sharp looks the three marshals turned around and slowly disappeared into the darkness of the rainstorm. Corvo tipped his hat as they walked away. "Have a nice day sir." As the men disappeared Corvo let out a sigh. "Well I guess my 'good' friend is not coming after all." Turning to the pastry shop's window and took out a purse from under his coat. As he pushed the door of the pastry shop a small bell rang and a young lady in a green dress with silver grey skin and immense hazel eyes came out from the back of the store. With the rain, no client had shown up for hours. "You should have come in hours ago. It's not right to stand outside in that weather." Corvo pointed to a chocolatine. "If I had come in three hours ago, someone would have had to roll me back to my place." The confectioner chuckled as she wrapped the item. Corvo shovelled an entirely too large amount of money out of his purse. "For the inconvenience" he muttered before walking away.