[center][h3]Erickson of the God Eaters[/h3][/center] [i][u]Armistice-East Gate-1000 HP [/u][/i] The Enclave... [i]wonderful[/i] Erickson thought, the order had made their opinions on the God Eaters well known in the form of a letter berrating them. The weak little scholars deserved no respect, they were not even strong enough to wield magic, let alone a proper weapon. And then he made tea? If Erickson didn't have his helmet on he would have spit, tea was for weakling's, those who were not strong enough to drink real nourishment. He had even stopped with some other member of his order before that, the green robed bastartds were eveywhere! He had half a mind to batter the scholar senseless, but decided against it. He also noticed the Priestess, from the ORder of Burning Light, fire priests. He smirked beneath his helmet, she would be strong, he felt it. The burning priests were magic users, and good fighters to boot, Erickson had even eaten one... he had tasted a bit smoky. Regardless, he knew most of their magic was used to heal others, useful and powerful thought he, before being broken from his thoughts by another woman. She commented on his, [i]'Funny looking dog'[/i], which made made Erickson raise an eyebrow. He turned back to his horse, the massive beast still had blood on its lips from his meat. He supposed she had never seen a horse eat meat before, he doubted many of them had at all. He smiled, and in spite of his hate for the scholar, walked to join the quickly forming little group, turning to the jesting woman, [color=f26522]"Not a dog, though he eats meat he is most certainly a horse. He is simply taken from a... conditioned stock. The Ravenous council first force fed meat to their horses, and now their descendants will not even eat the grass. they are bigger, stronger, and more aggressive than other horses. Most importantly, they are hungrier, my order has made sure of that. I imagine you've not heard of such horses, except perhaps in the stories of my order, for we seem to have mmany amongst the common folk."[/color], he chuckled, deep, gravelly noise bellying his great size, [color=f26522]"Though sometimes it is hard to accept someone uses you to scare they're children in line, or liven up a tavern. It is entertaining however to listen sometimes, funny how accurate some are."[/color], he was honestly just making conversation, not realizing he may come off trying to intimidate the others. He was curious now about the jester, [color=f26522]"Where do you hail from joker? Armistice? Sorei?"[/color], he was never very good with accents. He wasn't certain about the other members of the expedition, but this seemed as good a way as any to become more aquainted. After all, they were about to be together for quite a long while.