Name: The Grand Empire of Eilíras Flag: A snarling gray wolf's head over two crossed red swords with a green background. Population: 1,700,000 Location:The Easternmost provinces on the map. Cities: Their capital in the Middle Province of Giaphearion is named Líren. The main city in the Northern Province of Chiocilan is named Adrauvale. The main city in the Southern Province of Vioderus is named Efrawood. The main city in the Eastern Province of Echeanon is named Frenard. Resources: Metals, ores, dyes and minerals. Reasonable lumber but the cold harsh climate limits farmland and the growing season. Luxuries: The luxury most prevalent is fur. The Eilirians are also known for their marvelous tapestries. Government Type: Absolute Monarchy. Economy Type: Militaristic. Leaders and Generals: The God-King Miraltheus Drarethlo, the Nobility, various appointed authorities. Culture Description: The gloomy weather permeates the citizens to some extent and they are a grim, stoic folk who usually only smile on special occasions or if they like the cold and the dark. Their religion consists of twenty-two major deities of which some folk honor their favorites or the ones they most fear, they also believe in countless minor deities and non-god beings of power such as demons, Devils and the Treborrim (essentially independent creatures of goodness who do their best to counter the fiends) : [hider=The Main Pantheon] Dark Gods: Grimnos-patron deity of tyranny, war and strategy. Afgur the Blood King- patron deity of anarchy, destruction and bloodshed. Chaelgoth- Patron of undeath, necromancy and decay. Kerzep-Goddess of lies, murder and shadows. Ichal- Lady of suffering, disease and shadows. Naren- God of vengeance, oaths and wrath. Neutral Gods Rova- Goddess of madness, justified wrath and change. Itherat- God of wealth, commerce and trade. Agren-Sea Goddess. Duntir-God of magic, learning and knowledge. Sarthi- Goddess of nature, normal animals and the trees. Vuldir- God of the underworld, death and winter. Kaldor- God of law and order. Shadir- Goddess of secrets, mystery and spies. Good Gods Xonar-God of freedom, democracy and benevolent ghosts. Magrim- God of strength, honor and battle. Adoren- God of farming and agriculture. Daetar-Goddess of love, children and family. Zerlana-Goddess of peace and friendship. Heyat-Goddess of luck, song and poetry. Radentr-Goddess of wind, archery and travelers. [/hider] Loyalty is the priority value of the society and takes many forms from the loyalty of a ruler to his subjects (and vice versa), the loyalty to one's family (top priority, NEVER threaten the royal family), loyalty to friends and so on. Ambition is encouraged and other than the aristocracy's positions and the ruler's place, the people have the chance to rise as high as they like, the nobles are not the only authorities the King delegates important tasks to. In the sense of true art, the Eilirians specialize in tapestries that tell tales of both fiction and the past (sometimes blurring the two together). These tapestries depict not only Eilirian deeds but also those of anyone they learn the history of. While most are literate, the tapestries are their way of creating art and preserving history and stories for future generations. (The two are clearly labeled as fact or fiction, just in case.) Other than the tapestries, they pride themselves on craftsmanship, especially of armor and weaponry. Each set of equipment is designed for both practicality and visual effect whether the effect be intimidation, beauty, inspiration or anything else. The punishment of heinous crimes is especially harsh and even sadistic as the Rulers tend to hire the punishers with "points for creativity" and use a "Wheel of Punishment" with all manner of nasty fates as they believe that the more terrifying the punishment, the less likely the crime is to be repeated. This is only used for heinous crimes and minor offenses would be dealt with far more gently. Gladiator fighting is a favorite sport of the people with the fighters being heinous criminals who were lucky on the wheel, free folk fighting for gold and miscellaneous types. Another important thing about the culture is the mutual respect for one another. Both genders are equal, the Eilirians couldn't give a lump of minotaur dung about one's sexuality, they are a diverse people with many physical descriptions, their religion is rather tolerant as they have countless minor deities and just view other faiths as venerating favored minor deities although monotheistic religions put them off a little, lastly there is some understanding between youth and elder. Those who violate the respect somehow, whether they be bigots or braggarts or bullies often find themselves as the target of endless upstaging and mean-spirited pranks. It is okay to have a healthy ego however. Military Trait: Warrior Culture- The Eilirians can produce well-equipped and and well-trained soldiers in a timelier fashion. Civil Trait: Teamwork- With their social structure and values of loyalty and respect, the Eilirians face less internal conflict and are a united, dedicated force. Flaw Trait: Harsh Land- The cold and the soil reduce their agricultural growth and as such they desire more land to prevent famine from causing massive damage. History: Long ago, a band of like-minded folk from various lands decided they were rather fed up with their current kingdoms and wished to live differently. So, they traveled to what would become Eilíras and founded Líren. They all would have perished if not for the leadership of a stranger named Drarethlo. The stranger taught them how to rule their land and left an heir. Afterwards, he wandered away into the snow to who knows where. Because of this, the Eilirians believe he was a minor deity who saw fit to save them and let them become the seeds of greatness. As such, none question the authority of the descendants of Drarethlo for gratitude and fear of divine retribution. The land they founded their realm in was also a dangerous one full of beasts and hostile locals. However, using skills taught to them by Drarethlo, they were able to defeat their foes and expand. They are particularly proud of their edge of the world status believing it leaves them an excellent position to expand ever westward.