[color=#339933]"She didn't!"[/color] Takeo Feuille exclaimed, his brow furrowing. [color=#339933]"I can't believe that girl - arguing after seeing you after so long.. must be why she doesn't have any friends.. going to scold her so bad when she gets back.. she's always so crude.."[/color] The head chef would continue muttering to himself, returning to the counter to quickly scrub the dishes clean under the steaming jets of water with an old rag, his face growing hotter as the errant leaf stuck between his sharpened teeth swung and spun. He shook several steaming, cast iron pots of veggies on the table, hissing and bubbling as columns of steam rose and added to the smell of the diner. The few patrons still there began to whet their appetites over the meal he was cooking, fastening his apron as he rapidly and frustratingly shook the pot. As he began to calm down, he set the blaze to a low fume, and the hissing and sizzling became more spaced out and quiet as he eventually set it to only a low simmer and not the high boil it had been previously. He returned, carrying to plates of freshly diced and cooked food. [color=#339933]"You really should eat, Belgond, your birthday only comes once a year."[/color] He said, placing a few plates around the table. [color=#339933]"But I really do apologize for Gale said to you - you know, every time someone is genuinely friendly to her, she shoves them away. Really hates the thought of having friends."[/color] The chef took a momentary seat, resting his gut under the table and began to dig in to the plate that he had set for himself, lighting a small aromatic candle in the center of the table. [color=#339933]"I hope she didn't do anything too bad."[/color] The pangoro said through a mouthful of still steaming food, shoveling it down before he had to return to serving his remaining clientelle. [color=#339933]"She never really could do anything too bad - last time she tried doing something "bad," she ended up crying her eyes out."[/color] He quickly patted his mouth, already digging away at the remaining meal he had set out for himself. [color=#339933]"She better come back home soon - I'm going to make [i]sure[/i] she apologizes to you, Belgond, you at least deserve that."[/color] He finished up his food and picked up his plate, carrying it to the sink. [color=#d3ff80]"You can go suck a - oh, wow, are you an outlaw?!"[/color] Gale asked, her voice full of a sudden spirit and excitement. [color=#d3ff80]"Ifyou'reanoutlawcanIgowithyoupleasepleasepleasecanwedosomethingcooltogether?"[/color] The young Pancham practically tripped over her words as she looked at the powerful, menacing Gabite in awe.