Ricardo blinked in disbelief as he stood on the sidewalk. How did he get here and- What the hell? Was that a flying car? At first he believed he was dreaming. He even tried the classical "pinch yourself" technique and damn did it hurt. Even then though, he was not completely convinced that he wasn't dreaming. The alternative would be that he had mysteriously landed smack in the middle of some futuristic world. Taking in his surroundings a little more, something strange caught his attention. A couple blocks away he swore that he could see clay buildings that would be common in some older Mexican cities. As he walked toward this section of the city, he noticed that even the roads in the area were more rustic. Despite the elderly charm of the neighborhood, hover cars and floating holograms still filled the air. "Well hello!" A street barterer seemed to be calling out to Ricardo from the confines of his stall, surrounded by distinctly Mexican artifacts and clothing. "Yes! You! Come on over! I got some things you might like!" Ricardo walked toward the barterer hesitantly, "Um hi. I don't have any money." "That's okay new boy! Everything is free here. If you see anything you like, please take it." "What? Free? Wait, why did you just call me 'new boy'?" "You did just arrive here didn't you? You're still wearing your grey garbs." The reflection of an antique mirror provided Ricardo with confirmation. He was wearing a plain grey suit. Unfortunately, none of the classical Mexican clothing that the street vendor was offering peaked his interest. "Oh, no worries my friend! It doesn't hurt my feelings at all. Tell me about your fashion sense, I'll point you in the right direction." "Umm... okay. I like to wear black casual clothing." After a bit more probing, the street vendor understood what Ricardo was looking for and pointed him down a street. All Ricardo had to do was walk six city blocks through a couple other neighborhoods and he would be in a place more his style. He tried to ask the vendor about where he was but the only response he received was, "Does it matter? You are here. Have fun!". Ricardo tried to push the subject but the vendor easily evaded the question by starting to shout out to others walking the street. Strange, the man seemed far to happy to be just giving things away. Ricardo decided to take the man's advice and go where he suggested. What was going on? No money necessary, really? Was everything free in this city, or was that man just a lunatic?