[h1][center][color=007236]Staff Sergeant Hunter Monroe[/color][/Center][/h1] I woke up about to scream, my family's shotgun raised as I pointed it to the wall in my barracks. I held the primitive sawed-off in my right hand as I had my left hand on my holster by my bed side. I was shaking, the nightmares seem to be getting worse at times. I let go of my holster and pumped the old shotgun over and over until I unloaded it once more. It was another dream of home, my parents, my siblings, my friends. It was like a memory, or several mixed into one. The ones from my last combat mission... mixing with my memories from home. Was that a side effect of this program? Or was it just me scared of what would happen if we lost this war? I stood up wearing only my undergarments with the pump action still in one hand, then I set it down looking at my new leg... my new body. It felt... foreign. I was happy to have my ability to walk again, but I didn't know how I felt about being... what I am now. What was I now? Was I just a close like what Derek had said?! Were these even my memories I was thinking of?! What if they are memories implemented in my head to keep me fighting no matter what? "[color=007236]Dammit... Fucking dammit...[/color]" I walked to the wall and hit my head against it a few times. Trying to figure this all out was gonna be hell. We got a mission to do though, I need to rest now, and think later. I went back to bed, and reloaded the shotgun. I don't know why I loaded the modified relic, but I did. Maybe it was because it felt... familiar. It felt... Like part of me still. Mission day, simple start, simple go to. What a day! Wake up, clean weapons, eat breakfast, practice fighting, steal second breakfast, keep working out, Double check my gear and where I am placing it (Huge issue I had in my last battle), and be ready for anything. Before getting on the ship I grabbed any gear I thought I would need. I grabbed my rifle, several mags, a nice shotgun (Not gonna take my own for a few reasons. If we're gonna go on a suicide mission I ain't losing that thing for that. And also this one is a bit more... Effective), I grabbed a small spool of copper wire, a multimeter, loose electronics including a small transmitter and receiver. I also grabbed my sidearm, only bringing the clip in the gun because if I really need to fuck someone up at point blank I got my shotgun for that. My combat knife, but that's actually for dealing with the electrical equipment more then anything. And my good luck charm for this mission, the neural transmitter from my prosthetic leg. Just as my reminder why I am gonna kick some hard ass. I threw in a few other essentials into my pack then moved out to the ship. I set my gear down inside the ship with the exception of my small personal bag, and my sidearm. I noticed the commander and... wait... Who the hell was the new guy? Oh shit... someone fucked up I am bettin'. Command sent in a baby sitter?! Shit! Now, I had to find a way to not panic. As far as I knew I was fine but I have been wrong on this before. But watching him walk, he was definitely someone but... not someone from command. Definitely a soldier. The high ups don't send regular soldiers to do baby sitting duty now do they? Huh, could be budget cuts. "[color=007236]So who's Mister hot guy?[/color]" I said as the commander and the new guy came in. I figured this could go two ways. One, I make friend with this guy and I don't get a pay cut, or two I will die a painful death only to go back onto the same ship with him... It would be like being in a horrible meme...