You wake up gasping for a breath. The room around you not where you fell asleep the nigh before. Where did you fall asleep, how did you. It was around noon and then blank. You don't remember what happened. The room was gray, a window bared off on both sides let enough light in to see in the other wise pitch black room. You head stings with the beginnings of a head ache. The mattress you were laying on frayed at the edges and the pillow was flat. You had no idea why you were here. [i]Is this some morbid dream?[/i] You think as a light flickers on as if on que. The door in front of you has a hatch on the bottom with is opened carefully. A tray is pushed in as the hatch closes and heavy foot steps walk away. On the tray is a slice of bread, some butter, a butter knife, and few sheets that asks for you to fill out your information. The sound of speakers turning on draws your attention away from the food your stomach is growling for. You could hear other people. Maybe you weren't alone. [color=005599] Good Morning subjects! I hope you had a good night sleep, you did take a nasty fall yesterday. Well now that you are awake you are probably wondering why you are here. As you wouldn't know. You are going to take part in a, how to say this, Experiment to say. I know we didn't get your consent first, but this is all in good will. I swear you will be returned to your proper home in due time. But first you must know that their are others people in the same situation as you. Some of them may not like this experiment too much. But to be assured no one should die during it. If you make the right decisions you see. Which should be easy. Now your door shall be opened at 10:00 a.m. Today so i would get eating. There are some rules included in this experiment. Do read those while your at it. Oh and do us a favor and fill out that sheet. It may most likely save your life. [/color] The speaker dies crackling as a pen is pushed into the room through the door. You had two options. Die from the elements or play this sick game. [hr] And this story will fallow a group of those who decided to play. Who is willing to play? And pay the cost for science. Luring, trechory, twists, traps and puzzels. What is not to love about this game. As that is all this is in the end, A game. [hr]