[center][h2][color=662d91]Ayato Kirishima[/color][/h2] [i]Uber Ethereal's Mothership[/i][/center] [hr] It took some time to be able to press the right buttons to stop the screens from flashing the same thing on and off, and eventually Ayato had gotten the screen to stay on the heart monitors. Since he was successful in finding out how to stop what was going on with the computer screens Ayato then switched his attention to figuring out what exactly was wrong with some of the executives. Not that he had a care in the world for the others since he only knew Eto, but figured since they'd be able to command him as well then formalities were to be done any day now. One thing he did know is he'd be getting real close to the owner of this ship since he was wrecking havoc everywhere on it. Not that he was trying to do so, but it was quite hard not knowing what buttons to press when. If he had gotten some basic information beforehand then it'd be simple, but things like these didn't always go that way. "Well," Ayato had pressed a button that had displayed the carriers on this ship on the screen. "No one ordered me to stay put." He assured himself. Not that he needed assurance to do what he wanted, but was making sure there were no orders to stay in this ship. After all, he didn't come here to sit around and read "How to Make a Roll Cake" while others were possibly having their fun. Whether they were actually having fun though was a whole other question due to the fact that some of the experienced executives didn't even have a heart beat. Ayato flipped through some of the aircraft's that the ship had, and would select one fairly small yet had stats that would satisfy the ghoul. How he was to get to this aircraft was a feat in itself, but figured it wouldn't be too hard to find where most of the crafts were stationed. [hr] It actually took over an hour to look for the aircraft's base on the mothership. By the time he reached the place there were many over many different areas a craft could be parked, and finding the one he wanted would possibly be a difficult task. Luckily though, [s](because Ayato always has good luck)[/s] a worker had finished doing maintenance on the exact aircraft he wanted. Without waiting for the worker to finish wiping down the bottom of the small craft Ayato helped himself to getting in. It wasn't difficult, but once inside he'd have a hard time with the controls. [i]Why doesn't anyone cover the basics?[/i] The ships weren't anything that he had gotten in before let alone used, so possibly winging it would be the only option. As he grabbed the steering wheel? of the craft with one hand he used the other to pull back on the gear shift to slowly- [sub](Not done writing)[/sub]