[center][h2][color=orangered]Sakiah Kywen[/color][/h2][/center][center][color=steelblue]The Corhall Slave Mines[/color][/center][right][sub][color=gold]1st Sunddir, Aagium, 127th Crest, 5th Cycle[/color][/sub][/right][hr] [indent]The ardent rays of the sun cast down a wave of heat upon those gathered around the clearing just before the yawing mouth of the Corhall Slave Mine. The shimmering rays were of such extent that those enlisted to protect such a place had already shed down to the bare minimum of required dress. Red tunics sewn with the Paedatorian Crest flittered about in the tiny breeze carried across the barest edge of The Vagrant's Run. Hard leather boots stamped impatiently at the earth, followed by a crescendo of slapping hands and shouted obscenities. For within the mortar and stone walls of the mine, a rousing event was taking place. A slave, to be punished by whip under the scorching sun. A ludicrous attempt at escape, though the city of Corhall would never here of it. To talk about escape alone was punishable. Whilst not impossible, for a slave to leave the mines of his own will is such a rare thing that all talk of it is but barely rumor and speculation. The audible [i]crack[/i] of a whip resounded out above the chorus of soldiers as the taskmaster whirled his tool in the air. He had chosen something special for this occasion. The sun was strong and the guards were tiring quickly. This one was his baby, a braided black beauty of cured leather, and it would serve just fine for raising morale. But most importantly, it was garnished with a tempered steel tip, one that was sure to rouse the sun beaten rabble of the guards into a spree of mirth and ruthlessness. For these slaves were less than the dog that begged from the darkest corners of cobbled city streets. Hell, the dirt he spat upon was probably worth more for its weight than one of these filthy, treasonous animals. Even now the soldiers stationed to guard the mine's perimeter were stirring with such excitement that the heaven's themselves trembled against their collective voice. He cracked the whip again, smiling as the slaves blessed enough to be in the light of the sun trembled in fear. They seemed to pick up their pace at the very thought of punishment, despite being tied to the large posts of the ore mill. The slow grind of rock was merely a soft percussion as the taskmaster approached his victim, kneeling in the hot, dry earth. The slave was bare but for a few tattered garments, which the taskmaster had so graciously gifted. It always proved a better show to see the slave's clothing torn to tattered, bloody shreds. The voice of the onlookers rose to a deafening roar as his arm cocked back, the steel tip of the whip slithering through the dirt. Before him the slave tensed, yet the chains and shackles bolted to the whipping post did not rattle. This only made him sneer, this one would be fun to break. [i][color=gold][h3]Two Hours Earlier[/h3][/color][/i] [color=00aeef]"There you see?"[/color] A rugged, filthy woman pointed out. Sakiah barely turned her head as she looked. It was barely light out, the pale gray of the sky only just giving way to the bright fiery ball of fury that was the sun. The heat was quickly rising, and unfortunately Sakiah and her friend, Amina, had moved close to the mouth of the mine. Far enough inside as to barely be seen, but close enough to see out. She set her eyes upon the truth of Amina's earlier claim, and sure enough the guards were shedding their heavier metal plates for lighter, airier leather. Leather that was much easier to puncture. [color=00aeef]"So what do you think?"[/color] Amina asked, her back turned to Sakiah as they both laboriously chipped away at the hard rock of the mountain. Sakiah's mind worked furiously, but she had her doubts. Since been sentenced to this mine she had tried tirelessly to leave. Yet, her plots and schemes just weren't enough to break through the fortified walls of the slave mines. Yet, with each attempt she was learning more about the inner workings. Things she hadn't been privy to upon entry as it had been specifically ordered that she wear a burlap sack over her head the entire journey. Yet, it didn't take a genius to figure out where she was. The sun, the mountain, and the shear scale of the area itself could have only been one place. The one place she dreaded ending up. The largest slave mining operation on this side of The Broken Range. And even if she did escape, there were still a hundred miles of forest between her and escape. It seemed hopeless. [color=orangered]"It could work,"[/color] Sakiah replied, listening to the sharp intake of breath from her partner in chains behind her. She knew Amina dreamt of freedom, but Sakiah worried it would make her reckless. Or worse, traitorous. The guards were not above rewarding slaves who disposed of their comrades. It was never as sweet as the taste of freedom, but being a servant and a whore was a much appreciated position to the one they found themselves in now. Deep in the rock, smelling of sweat and urine. [color=00aeef]"When?"[/color] Amina queried, already her voice shaking with excitement. Sakiah offered up a silent prayer to the gods before she spoke, [color=orangered]"We must find Rook."[/color] Amina nodded, and together they slunk off into the darkness. It was a short distance to where Rook preferred to mine, but it was mostly traveled hunched over and done in small steps due to shackled ankles. The winding cavern had been a labyrinth to Sakiah when she had first arrived. Unbeknownst to her, she had spent nearly a full crest within the darkened walls. Nine months to learn the paths, the people, and the quota. It hadn't been easy, especially in her frail and broken state, but she had survived thus far. Rook sat perched upon a large flat rock, his bare chest heavings. Even in the low light Sakiah could see he had many more scars than she did, and he wore them with pride. Every puckered slash a badge of honor to him. He was a brute of a man, and the two tiny tusks jutting from his lower lip marked him as part Orc. His red eyes turned towards the sounds of Sakiah's approach. [color=lawngreen]"I can smell the stench of a Full-Blood,"[/color] He sneered, rising to his full nine foot height. His chains rattled, from wrist to waist, and down to his leg and ankles. He was laidened down with the heaviest chains they had, and yet he seemed to wear them as lightly as a coat of bird feather's. The guards feared him, everybody feared him. Except for Sakiah. Sakiah rose up into Rook's hollowed out cavern, [color=orangered]"It's Saki,"[/color] she said, identifying herself by Rook's pet name for her. A great bellow issued forth as Rook laughed, his sneer becoming a smile. [color=lawngreen]"Ah, Saki!"[/color] He roared heartily, [color=lawngreen]"I thought you dead, had not seen you in days."[/color] Sakiah chuckled, for a half-orc and slave, Rook was surprisingly well cultured in the common tongue. Though, he hadn't always liked her. Upon her arrival here she had been the victim of many quarrels. Everybody wanted a piece of her, especially once they laid eyes upon the runic carvings of her shackles. A mage without powers was a prime target for abuse. Yet, for some ungodly reason even she didn't know, the massive half-orc took a liking to her. Though she questioned him one day, he swore it was not sexual. Claiming his massive girth would tear her tiny body in two. Still, she had declined his offer for protection. She was born screaming and kicking, and that was exactly how she planned to die. [color=orangered]"Sorry Rook, I had plans,"[/color] She replied sheepishly, perhaps she could have visited more. They used to mine together often, him laughing at her as she cried. [i][color=lawngreen]'Why you cry tiny one? To make the earth softer?'[/color][/i] Rook had asked, absolutely puzzled to her plight. She had tried to explain the recent events of her life to him but he had only replied with, [i][color=lawngreen]'You think only you have rough life? We all have stories, but you must remain strong. Our paths are already written and all we must do is follow, it is easy. Be strong like Rook, or die like tiny human.'[/color][/i]. He wasn't an exactly elegant man, but he did make good points. He had helped her be strong, taught her to lock away her demons. [color=lawngreen]"Ah! Plans, I hear tiny Saki tried to run, that your back is still wet from punishment,"[/color] This seemed to amuse him greatly. [color=orangered]"Plans within plans my friend!"[/color] She claimed, [color=orangered]"I have learned all I need to leave this wretched place. You could come if you want."[/color] Rook tilted his head in thought, chewing the idea over. [color=lawngreen]"Hm,"[/color] he pondered, [color=lawngreen]"Surely they would kill me."[/color] [color=orangered]"Perhaps, but that would prove just enough distraction for me to get away,"[/color] She jested. Rook laughed, his muscles rippling with the vibrations of the rumble he gave off, [color=lawngreen]"Hah! Saki's plan sucks."[/color] Sakiah laughed with him, and Amina stood awkwardly as she usually did in meetings such as this. The half-orc terrified the older woman. [color=lawngreen]"What do you really need Saki? My vision is not as poor that I cannot see the furrow of your brow."[/color] Saki smiled softly, raising her shackled hands up. He looked at her, all lines and edges, [color=lawngreen]"You will get yourself killed."[/color] [color=orangered]"No, Rook. This is it, the final plan. I won't die in these mines, I'd rather die out there on the baking earth."[/color] Rook frowned, the gesture distorted by his small tusks, [color=lawngreen]"I will miss Little Saki, do not forget Rook, yes?"[/color] She nodded, a wetness welling up in the corner of her eyes as he reached forward. They had discussed this many times, and it was really only a possibility, but there was no other way. These shackles did not have a simple key lock, but a complex puzzle tumbler, where a simple turn would not suffice. Rook had managed to tear his way free from his shackles once, despite being nearly killed for the effort. Sakiah was hoping he could do the same for her, without breaking her arms and legs. Her body tense as he wrapped his massive paws around either edge of the shackle, [color=lawngreen]"Are you ready Saki?"[/color] She took a deep breath, before nodding. [i][color=gold][h3]Two Hours Later[/h3][/color][/i] Sakiah's entire body felt like it was on fire. Dressed in rags beneath the sun, her entire body felt burned. Such a feeling was not typical for her, as she'd never suffered a sunburn since her powers had awakened. Yet, the guards must have had a detailed report on her. For the past hour somebody had regularly dumped a bucket of water on her, unknowingly countering her resistance to the sun and leaving her skin vulnerable to the point of steaming. She refused to scream, to cry out. The burning of her flesh was not enough to break her, not for their amusement. Even now, as she grit her teeth, she knew such a thought was useless. She could here the slow steps of the man wielding the whip behind her, the crack in the air as she tried to get a rise out of her. She failed to oblige. She stared ahead, nearly boring holes into Amina with her gaze. Amina, who currently looked like a thief caught stealing bread as she stood next to her patron guard. Taken into his service as servant and whore. Her thoughts discarded from her mind violently as her back exploded into a pain she hadn't felt before. The tip of the whip was solid, and dug deep gouges into her skin. Now, she did scream, a high and blood curdling pitch. The guards became frenzied as the whip met her skin again, flaying the already red and inflamed skin open. A rivulet of blood arced from her to splatter on the ground, steaming as it settled into the earth. Another lash, and Sakiah felt she would die of asphyxiation first. She could hardly wheeze in a breath before he struck her again and the awful, ear splitting sound fell from her mouth. She looked on at Amina with eyes watering from the agony of the whip. Another lash, another bone-chilling scream, except this time nobody heard the cries of the guard falling before Amina. She looked out across the open dirt, a wild look in her eye as she wielded her shackles as a weapon, courtesy of Rook's efforts. She swung the rune engraved shackles at the nearest guard, cracking his skull straight through his thin leather cap. Sakiah offered thanks to Limysus for the intensity of his boon today. Now, a few guards took notice and turned towards the wild slave. Amina snarled, her olive skin glistening under a sheen of sweat as she swung out again, tearing a sword from the grasp of a thin and lanky looking soldier. She quickly picked it up and growled as she swung her two weapons wildly. Somewhere a swirling boulder of earth had been summoned, and it was on a direct course for Amina. She spun wildly, smashing the runic shackles into the boulder and instantly dissipating the boulder into a pile of loose dirt and dust. The haze created a perfect covered as she moved between the stunned and coughing guards. She fought with all the desperation that this plan offered her. Another rock soared into the cloud of dust and it too exploded into a hazy cloud. As the dust settled over Sakiah, she didn't even know who to thank for the luck of an earth mage being present. Suddenly the single clash of swords turned into a tumultuous wash of sound as the other slaves began to realize what was happening. By now Amina should have acquired the key and begun to release the slaves from the grinding mill. She waited, patiently. Her vision obscured by thick clouds of dust, but she listened. All around her metal clashed and people screamed, and she remained chained and bleeding to the whipping post. The minutes ticked by, and it seemed Sakiah's plan had fallen apart. She had given Amina the runic shackles, knowing that they could easily be opened once Rook had broken the locks. Unfortunately, Sakiah could not break free of the whipping post herself, but she feared Amina had chosen to see Sakiah's plan through and make a break for herself. Perhaps skirting some of the danger of trying to start a riot. The sounds around her began to fade from a thundering battle to a quiet, finer skirmish. One of precision and skill, one that sounded of the guards retaining control. Sakiah felt her will beginning to fade, the tremendous pain from her back was starting to override her adrenaline. Soon she was shaking from it, feeling utterly foolish and helpless. A hand laid itself upon her shoulder, and she looked up with hope. Before her stood the man who had held the whip, his face bleeding where he had been struck. [color=f7976a]"I recognize you now you little cunt,"[/color] He sneered, his eyes sparkling with fury, [color=f7976a]"You-"[/color] His gruff voice cut off as a pair of pale gray hands wrapped around his throat, crushing his windpipe with the ease only a half-orc could produce. Sakiah looked up as the face of Rook appeared before her, [color=lawngreen]"Tiny Saki, your plan sucks,"[/color] he said. Neither of them chuckled however. In a different circumstance Sakiah would have been astonished to see the green washed from Rook's skin into a sickly gray from his years in the mines. Now, he was risking his life for her's and that weighed heavily on her. With a mighty roar Rook clasped his hands together, forming a single massive fist as he swung down onto the whipping post. The thick timber bream splintered from the first strike, and shattered on the second. Sakiah stood as the post fell to pieces, and with it the brackets and chains that held her down. Now, the pain dulled to the back of her mind as she looked about the haze and dust before her. A gust ripped through the clearing, creating a vacuum that sucked all of the dust from the air. Now looking on with clarity, Sakiah looked at the numbers before her. All around the smooth dirt patch, the bloodied bodies of slaves littered the ground. Even Amina, one hand still outstretched as if she could reach Sakiah. Few guards had actually fallen to the point of not getting back up, and most of them looked to have been standing in Amina's path. Sakiah offered a prayer for the soul of the fallen desert warrior, hoping that in death she would rejoin her people. A magi stood between her and the gate, dressing in flowing robes of deep reds and brilliant golds. And between them, a large gathering of soldiers. Sakiah drew a ragged breath, [color=orangered]"Thank you Rook, but I fear we meet our ends together."[/color] This caused the Half-orc to chuckle, [color=lawngreen]"Remove such thoughts little Saki, for I brought friends."[/color] Sakiah quirked an eyebrow at the half-orc, before looking around the clearing. Behind her stood a silent army of apparitions with haunted eyes. Most still shackled, and many wielding rusted picks or large rocks. [color=orangered]"Maker's Breath Rook, how did you rally them?"[/color] He laughed once more, loudly and full of excitement, [color=lawngreen]"I was a leader, once."[/color] Before she could question him further his dark green eyes turned a bloodied red, and he roared with such ferocity that the slaves rallied forth with their own ragged screams. And then the world erupted into chaos. Instantly a blast of razor wind tore through one side of the charging slaves, lacerating entire rows of them at a time with hundreds of jagged cuts. Another blast of wind whipped by Sakiah and the screams of the slaves on either side of her spurred her into action. Just as the wind magi raised his hands for another blow Sakiah whirled, the white hot fire gathering in her hand and leaving in a blazing missile. The magi remained composed as he thrust his hands outwards, a tornado of air spiraling from his finger tips. The unnatural wind whipped spun violently as it engulfed the fireball. Sakiah sneered, sweat flying from her body as she hurled another volley. The magi gestured to either side, flinging her attacks into the outlying buildings with reckless abandon. Fires began to start, but they were left to burn as the small garrison of skilled soldiers faced the much larger, and much weaker army. Even as she fought the stronger magi, Sakiah could see the slaves who had retained their skills of battle fighting valiantly, yet they would be helpless against what she assumed was an elder wizard. She danced around the wizard's attack as a crescent shaped slice of air ripped through the earth towards her. She juked the opposite direction as another blade of air rocketed past her. She was quickly wearing down, having been out of practice so long. She looked around for Rook, silently hoping he would come to help her, but he was currently engaged with a soldier wearing an absurd amount of plate armor and a rather ridiculously rized full moon axe. A razor sharp blast of air tore past her, leaving a large slice across her stomach. She howled in pain and fury, returning her distracted thoughts to the fight at hand. The wizard paused in his onslaught, but only for a moment as his arm became whirling funnels of air. The blast hit Sakiah full force in the face, to the point where she had to actually lean into the gale to keep her balance. The rush of wind threatened to rob her of her breath. She collapsed to her knees as a barrage of crescent wind slammed into her body, opening up her flesh from her collarbone to her hip. She couldn't even cry out in pain as the wizard's power began sliding her back towards the mouth of the cave. Another gash opened on her arm as an invisible attack sliced past her. The sides of her vision turned dim as blackness encroached, threatening to overwhelm her as she struggled to breath. And then suddenly, it was over. Sakiah struggled to her feet, gasping for breath. Ahead of her the wizard twitched, face down in the dirt and muffled by a puddle of his own blood. Rook looked fearsome as he wrenched the full crescent axe from the smaller man's body. The snarl on his face made him look absolutely animalistic as he jumped back into the fray, now with a proper weapon for a beast his size. He was like death, slicing his way through the ranks of soldiers. Severed necks and limbs coated him in a war paint of savagery. Sakiah turned away from the sight and moved towards the gate. Behind her a gathering of slaves followed, those skilled enough to survive and now armed with scattered pieces of armor and weapons taken from lifeless hands. Without a word the slaves charged forward, meeting the soldiers ahead in battle. They fought wildly, as the soldiers used tactics and full tower shields to advance on their weaker foes. Except for now, without a mage to hinder her, Sakiah was free to wreak her own havoc. A searing ball of white fire collided with the middle most soldier, blowing him backwards and setting small fires alight on his body. His screams were drowned out as the roar of the once captive slaves echoed out, backed by a chorus of crackling wood as the buildings around them burned freely. Another ball of fire smashed into the soldier's ranks. The soldier fell to the ground clawing at his burning face as the cloth beneath his armor burst into flames. Sakiah stepped over him as the slaves pressed their advance until the soldiers were backed up again the last obstacle of freedom. A thick gate made entirely of rough iron. She gestured up towards the ramparts, where the ladder up had been cut into the stonework itself, [color=orangered]"There! Take the gatehouse!"[/color] She called out, her voice feeling so quiet against the cacophony of battle. Yet, she was heard. Men dressed in tattered rags dropped their weapons and scaled the roughly cut handholds as if they had been born to do it. They fell from the top as the waiting guards cut them down, but soon they became a small horde as the ladder on the opposite side fell to their numbers and fists. It took only moments, and the gate was already raising up. The loud clinking of metal on metal was joy to Sakiah's ears. [color=lawngreen]"You have done it,"[/color] Rook said, his body heaving as he caught his breath beside her. She smiled, as she watched the gate rise up. [color=lawngreen]"I never thought it possible,"[/color] he continued, his oafish face split by a wide grin. Sakiah's reply caught in her throat as the slowly raising gate revealed rows upon rows of feet clad in thick leather boots. Slower still, shins covered in braces of shining metal, glimmering against the sun. Upon the top of the wall the freed slaves began to scream and panic. [color=7ea7d8]"Soldiers!"[/color] They howled, [color=7ea7d8]"Hundreds of them!"[/color]. The gears of her mind turned quickly, it wasn't too late. They could bar themselves behind the gate and buy time to plan. But even before she could yell to close the gate, a clutch of soldiers ran forward and braced it with thick beams of metal. Soldier after soldier began to roll under the gate, glad in shining metal armor tempered with the Paedatorian crest. Their ranks swelled and panic rose in Sakiah's breast, She would be free this day! Her body was tired, but her mind was not. [color=orangered]"If you wish freedom Rook follow me!"[/color] She yelled, charging forward towards the cutout ladder in the wall. A soldier stepped before her and she hit him with a cascade of fire, his entire body glowing red as his armor super-heated from the blast. The wave of heat caused the rest of the gathering soldiers to pause in their charge and shy away from her. She leaped onto the handholds, her battered body screaming in protest as she forced herself to move upwards with reckless abandon. Her hands sliced on the roughly cut holds, and her knees scraped as she bashed them into the wall, frenzied in her desperation. Behind her the massive grunts of Rook followed close at hand, even as she neared the top of the wall a rough hand placed itself upon her rump and pushed her up and over the last few steps. [color=lawngreen]"Whatever you are planning little one, we must move quickly!"[/color] Rook wheezed. Sakiah looked around frantically, she didn't actually have an escape plan from the three story walls. She thought about jumping, but the trees had been cleared away for at least a mile. That was a long distance to run with no coverage and an army outside the gate. Sakiah was still processing her options when Rook took her in his massive arms, and the next thing she knew they were falling through the air. The move was so swift and surprising that she didn't even have time to scream. Rook hit the ground with a thud, rolling violently and sending Sakiah careening out into the dirt. She struggled to her feet, her body running on empty. [color=lawngreen]"Run little Saki!"[/color] Rook commanded, the power of his voice overriding Sakiah's thoughts and sending her into action. The line of trees seemed incredibly far as they huffed and gasped for breath. Her muscles screamed fire and outrage every time she took a step, and she could feel herself quickly wearing down. They were nearly halfway there when a hail of arrows peppered the ground around them, one of which sunk itself deep into Sakiah's thigh. She tumbled to the ground as every ounce of willpower she had left quickly vacated her body. [color=ed1c24]"SEIZE THEM!"[/color] A voice off in the distance screeched. Sakiah had barely let out a whimper before the massive bulk of Rook hefted her upon his shoulder. She could feel his body struggling as he charged towards the tree line. [color=lawngreen]"Almost little Saki! Do not quit on Rook now!"[/color] He bellowed, his Red eyes nearly glowing with the amount of adrenaline in his body, sending him into a berserker sprint across the open dirt field. [color=lawngreen]"I will not let you die little one!"[/color] He declared, the trees looming before them. Sakiah, in her half dazed state, idly wondered why he kept calling her little one. She thought that was a term befitting for a child, such as a daughter. Perhaps he really did enjoy teasing her about her size? These thoughts fell aside as a cool wave of darkness washed over her. She looked around, startled, as Rook broke through the underbrush violently and stormed off into the trees. A volley of arrows zoomed about them, but most of them harmlessly embedded themselves into the trees behind them. They had made it, no, Rook had made it. He had just taken her along for the ride. Her weak, and pathetic self. Her thoughts were troubled as a second, calmer darkness washed over her. One of unconsciousness, and sleep. [/indent]