After his little 'panic attack' earlier, Gutter had simply remained under the table and listened to what had been happening overheard quietly in order to avoid drawing attention to himself. He was good at listening... good at seeing too when the lights were low and there were plenty of shadows to hide away in and move through. As the meeting started to come to a close so that everyone could go to their own rooms and check them out, Gutter carefully poked his head out from under the table long enough to locate where [i]his[/i] room was on the map from where they currently were before darting off rather quickly without a word to anyone else. As vain as it might have sounded, Gutter really, [i]really[/i] needed a shower. Bathing wasn't exactly something that he could do regularly and it was hard to sneak up on people when you smelt like an old, poorly maintained sewer... The promise of a new outfit was interesting as well.