[quote=@Lilygold] This lady seems fine, though, unless she were to randomly pull out a gun and shoot them all, in which case, well, what're you gonna do? [/quote] Is it bad that I'm just thinking; [b][color=f6989d]That's EXACTLY what's going to happen once Chara gets there. ^.^[/color][/b] [color=9e0b0f]So, a question to those with human OCs: Would you be open to a possible Chara possession in the future?[/color] Anything Chara tries to make them do wouldn't be automatic, they'd both be fighting each other for control of the body, and while that's going on neither of them can really do much other than totally freak out everyone near them as the body sorta spazzes out from the duo-control. I imagine it would be a rather Funny/Terrifying scenario. :rollin I'll ask again at the point where I'd actually try to have Chara posses someone, because you might change your mind. [@booksmusicanime][@Skepic][@DigitalDemon][@RainbowFactory] (I think this is everyone who has a human? Idk.)