Things were moving quickly and the Venar couldn’t have relayed everything going on if he had wanted to. Dropping his hand from the Knight with an audible grunt he leaned back and tried to listen to the strange bird-speak that was common in Ventus. Being spoken down to by a large human with nothing apparently martial about him was somewhat demeaning, but his manner of speech did a lot to console the large beast-man. After him the little bowman shared his apprehension about the Knight and went even further to suggest they should kill him, excessive and perhaps overly cautious, but a fair evaluation of the situation. Considering Bakk’s history, he couldn’t profess to a lot of experience in plotting murder or mischief. However, in some of his misspent years raids had been suggested, and those who seemed overly cautious or fearful always turned out to be massive liabilities. The little woman made some comments, though her accent made her pretty much incomprehensible to the Venar, which would probably have been fortunate considering the circumstances. His sharp gaze shot into the back of Oliver’s head as Eolas spoke once more. He helped row the boat back to the docks and stepped off, not as unsettled by the travel as the bowman but not overly fond of it either. He strolled after the group, his own coins firmly tucked away in three separate places he watched carefully to see where the others would place their own. It could well be that the opportunity for some looting would arise in the near future. To say that Bakk was unhappy to see the arrival of giant spiders would be an understatement. No self-respecting Venar would be happy sharing company with a large insectoid. His hackles rose in fear and disgust at the creatures and his right hand slipped unconsciously to the metal axe at his side. Slowly, with a forced coolness he released the tension and the handle of the weapon, remembering why he was taking up with these others and their pointless quest. If he had to ride atop some monstrosity to get what he wanted, there was no question that he would do it. His musings were interrupted by a strangely dressed fellow holding a cane of short stature, which was proving uncommon for the mercenaries assembled. Whoever he was, he seemed to lack the edge of secrecy Bakk had worked out seemed to be important so far, what with the boat and everything. Then again, he might have been talking about something completely unrelated. Shrugging, the Venar prepared to mount up after Eolas had shown how, and let the strange spider carry him wherever it would. Hopefully to some messy battle where a few of his ‘comrades’ would fall in battle, leaving their coin ripe for the picking.