Name: Silvana Ravensblood Age: 27 Race: Human Gender: Female Mark of the demon: One green eye, one silver eye (not blind), much of her left arm has has become coal like in colour, while down her back are a few, four, Daemonic Runes, the meaning of which are not know to her. Profession: Blacksmith/Fighter Personality: Silvana is meticulous when it comes to her craft. She will often double and triple check her work. In her personal life, she is reserved and observant, a trait further pressed to the surface given circumstances. But once she makes friends with someone, those barriers begin to drop and she will protect her friends. Appearance: 5'9, 167 lbs. Has several scars. [img][/img] [b]Notice: I do NOT own the image above[/b] Bio: Silvana was a Blacksmith by trade before the fall, brought to Veiron by her father when she was only twelve. She trained her trade under her father for four years becoming a proficient and successful blacksmith in her own right. But when the King formed this new army, she knew things were about to take a turn for the worse. She packed up her tools, against the protest of her father and began making preparations, basic leather armour. On the day the kingdom fell, she was closer to the epicentre than most who escaped Veiron and was exposed to the tainting, body and mind warping power from the Daemons Realm, she barely managed to escape. In the years since the fall she has slain many an Orc that decided to push their luck and attack her, though she always moves when she sees Demons nearby. She has fought one though, and injured it, but had to flee due to the injuries she sustained. Equipment: Hammer set, Leather Armour, other smithing tools, dagger. Notes: