[quote=@Sombrero]*Lots of good points* [/quote] This honestly makes a lot of sense, yeah. It's easier and safer to say "Vikings" than to potentially get something wrong or write about something you're unfamiliar with. Even as someone who's taken several classes on world history and different cultures, I find myself often worrying about whether or not I'm going to portray something in a damning, rude way. This will still bug me, but you make a lot of sense. The given settings had some blurbs about their cultures that made it pretty distinct and clear what those cultures were meant to be like. It was just such a weird, trippy experience when I made this dark-skinned warrior-priest from what I was [i]pretty sure[/i] was, yeah, Mongolian/Native American when someone claiming to be from the exact same clan was playing your typical angry pale Viking Berserker with a chip on his shoulder. (Did I mention the word "swarthy" last time? Because this culture's people were either described as "dark" or "swarthy.") [i]Trippy.[/i] Again, though: very good points.