[center][h2][color=lightgreen]Delen Shrödinger[/color][/h2] [color=lightblue]Road outside Corhall Slave Mines[/color][/center] It had been a long travel by foot, wandering the roads to get to an area known as the 'Corhall Slave Mines'. A man dressed in all black, with the exception of his mask, was walking on that road, nearly dying of heat. It had been two months since the landing of the Pestian refugees at Aelholt, a good time to lessen the pain of that voyage, but not enough to completely forget it. The man would never be able to forget anything from his past life in his past home, getting stuck on the past. Though, he knew that he would have to move past it if he were to fully live with himself once more. The man was tempted to take off his mask to hopefully aid himself against the heat, wanting to even plead for the sun to go down and hopefully usher in a cold night. Shrödinger had to keep up his appearance as a doctor, however. It was one of many quirks of an unstable person who just wanted nothing, but to rest and relax. If anything, the doctor just wanted to continue his work and help anyone that he come across, whether they be scum or light, slave or master, so on and so forth. Happiness came to the man when he thought of helping all of those who had the ill-fortune of coming down with a sickness or catching the end of a blade. Happiness. It was a rare feeling for Schrödinger at this point in his life, but he could feel it nonetheless. He could almost feel at peace, not quite enough to ease his pain but enough to make him feel ease. The sounds of a good fight could be heard ahead, possibly a tournament with multiple teams pitted against each other. That was his only hope as he neared the slave mines, not wanting anyone to die. Though, he knew full well when he had heard a man screech "SEIZE THEM!" The slaves must've been causing a bit of an uproar since he could hear all the commotion going on in the background. It was a notice that he was all too familiar with, the sound of war. Shrödinger's mind went back to his days when he was just a child, the days of the rebellion before the plague. Needless to say, they were not the most fond of memories. The doctor stopped for a solid moment just to cast these memories away, nothing must distract him if he had to help any injured in the slave mines. Shrödinger sighed before beginning to walk to the slave mines. As he neared, the more was revealed to him about the situation, the slaves were obviously rebelling and trying to escape, an army had just arrived to contain the slaves, and he so happened to arrive during the middle of it. With that said, he did a one eighty and began walking away, not wanting to get involved in the middle of that. Though, a sight did catch his eye as he something big running through the woods, perhaps a slave? Shrödinger's curiosity got the better of him and decided to go after this being. It would give the battle some time to die down, it would keep Shrödinger busy, and most important of all it would be a bit of an adventure. The doctor began walking into the woods, following broken branches and any sort of footprints that were obvious. Now he could tell that this was some sort of humanoid that was in quite the hustle to get away from the slave mines. If that were truely the case then maybe the doctor could provide some assistance by making the being some medicines and help with some wounds. Granted if this wasn't an escaped slave then he could be walking after a being that would outright kill him. Shrödinger would take those chances. Shrödinger began coughing up a storm after following the trail, his sickness coming to jab at him once more. "Not now," the doctor groaned before coughing to the point of getting onto his hands and knees. He fumbled to get the medicine from the inside of his outfit, the life saving essence was his key to continuing on in the world. Shrödinger produced a syringe and set it on the ground. He rolled his left sleeve up to his elbow and jabbed the syringe into his artery, dispensing the medicine. The coughing would not stop for a few minutes, leaving the doctor to catch his own breath and begin to get back on track once more, going after the being that he saw run from the slave mines.