I've created many things for this universe, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Here's the things your character would know, however. Pre-history: Beings came to Earth from another dimension. Our universe was hostile to them, but they found that if they entered some of the higher-order lifeforms on this planet they could survive for extended periods of time. They soon found that humans were the best hosts on the planet and began mutating and selectively breeding their hosts for what they saw as beneficial traits. This created the various "demon", "angelic", "Fae" and similar races. 21k BC: The Chigani (basically the Greys) came to Earth, discovered humans and other humanoid races, and decided to research the potential of humans for paranormal abilities. They took a few thousand humans to a jungle planet a few hundred lightyears away in order to study their evolution in a different, more hostile, environment. These became the Thalleen. 20k BC: One Thalleen with telepathic abilities prays to the sun, and it answered by driving the Chigani from the system. Or rather, a plasma-based lifeform that lived within the sun answered. Soon, sun worship became the dominant religion on Thalla. The Chigani return to Earth and take more humans and genetically engineer them. These humans steal the ship, crash it on a different world, and enslave the Chigani that survived. They became known as the Titanan, and became many of the ancient deities of Earth. 1k BC: A group of Chigani came to Earth and built bases underground. They joined the non-human society, and became known as the Watchers. 2019: The Chigani invade the Earth and we are unable to fight them off. They settle in the Middle-east, keeping a capital ship around to prevent the humans from uprising, and began to draw tribute from the planet's populous. Ships from Thalla and Gara (home to the Garen, a bipedal canine race) come to trade. Thalla is an independent world which is allowed to trade in Chigani territory as long as they don't fight Chigani interests, and the Garen are Chigani subjects, like Earth is now. 2023: Plans for two ships, Mule class freighters, and Liberator class cruisers, appear on the darknet, and many countries start building them. Different areas, however, make their own variations on the design. --- Ways to get powers: 1) Be born with them (only 500-600 humans fit this) 2) Be exposed to powers similar to your own, which may unlock them. 3) Get one of the forms of brain surgery that gives them to you. (Full power, and in time you adapt to or lose the side effect, which are serious). 4) Use one of the chemicals that gives them to you. (weak powers at first, and weak side effects, but the powers get stronger with time and use.) 5) Get someone with the ability to unlock them to unlock your powers. 6) Get a brain implant which will unlock them at various strength levels and low to no side effects. These tend to be fairly expensive to very expensive depending on the type. --- It is 2031, and the resistance against the Chigani is growing. We will be one of the resistance cells that formed recently. [hider=CS] Name: Appearance: Species: Age: Skills: Paranormal abilities: Personality: Bio: Why did you join the resistance?: Equipment: [/hider]