[center][hider][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1191/1f40d58b79dc637babd293841043b39c2840ff63.jpg?1241404[/img] "What're you gonna do about it?"[/hider][/center] [list][*][u][b]Character Concept[/b][/u]: "Ehhh? You want my character concept? Fufufu, give me more candy and we'll see~"(The Immature and Explosive Mage Girl Looking to Make the Most of This) [*][u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Miyu [*][u][b]Gender[/b][/u]: Female [*][u][b]Background[/b][/u]: Miyu's history, before her death, isn't an issue she particularly cares to explain. This is largely because, at least insofar as it appears, she lived a long, peaceful life and died of old age. Possibly. Maybe. She wasn't exactly expecting to get a second chance at least, and was surprised when she did. Of course, this is hardly something she'll just go explaining, as she'd rather immerse herself fully in her new life. The most she'll say is "I died" and leave it at that. Miyu is rather childish, having a deep affinity for sweet things and a rather wide selfish streak when it comes to anything she finds interesting. She's clingy with people she likes, and prone to pouting when she doesn't get her way. Whoever she was before death, they've thrown themselves so utterly into their new life that their personality is far more fitting for their new appearance than anything else. Or maybe they were just like that before. Miyu's got a rather sassy, sarcastic side as well, tending to mock others(albeit rather playfully most of the time) whenever she finds even the slightest reason to do so. In spite of her selfish and childish attitude, Miyu is prone to helping others in need, provided that they haven't screwed up and caused the situation themselves in her eyes. She is not lacking in confidence at all, as well, and enjoys being praised for doing a good job. [*][u][b]Level[/b][/u]: 1 [*][u][b]Class[/b][/u]: Artillery Mage [*][u][b]Race[/b][/u]: Human [*][u][b]Attribute[/b][/u]: Focus [*][u][b]Thaumaturgy[/b][/u]: [list][*][b]Spark Rise Barrier[/b]: A hexagonal barrier spreads in front of Miyu, protecting her from damage. Without it, Miyu is about as durable as a small young girl in oversized clothing would be expected to be. [*][b]Spark Rise Red[/b]: A mid-long range offensive spell, Miyu forms several orbs of magical energy, numbering up to four as of now. They fire from her position and produce as small explosion on impact. [*][b]Spark Rise Vermilion[/b]: Miyu charges an orb of magical energy, gathering it above her, before releasing it in a powerful bombardment spell. However, it possesses a long charge and cooldown time, making it risky to execute.[/list] [*][u][b]Equipment[/b][/u]: Nothing at all.[/list] Character one is done!