[hider=HELLO FRIENDS I HAVE ARRIVED] [img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3kt6fLkH61qzh86so1_1280.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Moonroll] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/7/77/Ffta-viera-whitemage.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20061221041738[/img] [/hider] Character Concept: A white mage who is obsessed with keeping time, and has a deep love for mooncakes. Name: Moonroll Gender: Female Background: Moonroll's life on earth wasn't much to brag about, in all honesty. She grew up as an awkward child, blossomed into an ordinary teen, before dying quite abruptly. She wished to become a forensic expert at a young age, but was discouraged due to her squeamish nature. Fortunately, she also was quite good at art, and decided to take that path instead. She was hit by a car after saving a cat from being hit. She doesn't regret this. Moonroll is a patient, but mischievous white mage with a good sense of humor. She is always trying to look after her cohorts, and dislikes it when they act recklessly, because then she'll just have to heal them. She's loyal and supportive, but is obsessive over keeping track of time. She dislikes being late. Moonroll's biggest flaw is her lack of confidence within herself and within her abilities. She tries to get stronger, but has a habit of overworking herself into exhaustion. Despite admonishing others for being reckless, she can be the exact same way. She's desperate to get stronger, not only for herself, but for others in need. In all honesty, she can become envious of those who are more physically powerful. Level: 1 Class: White Mage Race: Rabbitkin - A subspecies of beastmen Attribute: Focus Thaumaturgy: [list] [*] Wilde Wind - A long-ranged offensive spell, in which sharp, green waves of energy swiftly fly towards her opponents, aiming to slash at them. If they hit head-on, they can cause some nasty, gashing wounds. [*] Moonrise - A white magic healing spell, which can immediately soothe and heal rather large wounds. A soft, white glow forms from her staff, and several orbs of white energy move over the target's wounds, healing them. [*] Cure - White energy surrounds the party. This spell buffs the party's magical and physical defenses. [/list] Equipment: None -[FINALIZE]-