[@Laue] I don't think that would be necessary. Alicia as you say is a Royal Guard which means that she's had a great deal of training in combat and would fair quite a bit better against demons than say a blacksmith visiting the city. She is also intimately familiar with the citadel itself and so has home turf advantage. As you say the Citadel most likely has a number of escape routes that she may have made use of to get away. Besides as a Royal Guard she would have been in or around the Citadel but the breach occurred in the very tallest tower so she wouldn't have necessarily been exposed to more demonic energy unless she was on one of the top floors. Plus the King did order an evacuation of the city so she may have been away from the Citadel facilitating that. It's not like she was fighting all of the demons either. In the numbers that they come in she'd more just be trying to escape them. And you did say she was one of the only guards to escape from Veiron alive.