First off I apologize for not being on yesterday. My better half's grandfather went into the hospital. By magical being think of Greeco-Roman divinity. For the most part, everyone is nice fleshy humans, but there can be a case of a demi-god or the likes. Nothing over the top that will impact how everything goes but to add flavor mostly. Think middle to late bronze age. Iron is coming out of its shell but the dominant metal of the time is bronze. So needless to say who ever has that resource can market it for a pretty penny. There will be events that will allow you do adopt that particular fashion of metal working as time goes. As far as turns go it depends. You'll only be able to move armies so far and spend so much money on both civil and military means. How exactly I'm gonna do the turn change I don't know yet. But if anyone wants to make a suggestion or put in their two cents, I'm all ears.