[quote=@Shorticus] Out of curiosity... You mention demi-gods, which I think is a nice twist. Should we expect magical beings to exist in this setting? (I'm 100% okay with us playing human normies while strange, magical creatures lurk in the wilderness or enchant our people.) You want us to stick to ancient technology levels, right? Like Rome, ancient Greece, Babylon, ancient Egypt? I really hate to sound like a complainer, but I did notice someone's character sheet involves a printing press (which could as easily be replaced with something akin to "Philosophers" or "Culture of Learning"), which is a late medieval technology that REALLY changed how the whole world works. And on that note, I did want to ask if you wanted us to be in the Iron Age, the Bronze Age, or somewhere in between? I wasn't sure, so I left my options for now (though iron and bronze are about as good as each other; it's steel that changes the game). If you have an idea as to what sort of metals you want us working with, please let us know and I'll make whatever changes are necessary to my sheet. Finally, do you have an idea of how many actions you'll allow per turn? Thanks in advance! [/quote] China had a printing press. Martin Luther's era had the movable type Printing Press.