[img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/0bcb/f/2010/059/0/9/ferret_girl_by_princess_vi.jpg[/img] Credit: princess-vi.deviantart.com Name: Gwen Migale Age:18 Sex: Female Species: Ferret Hybrid Relationship Status: Single Crush: none Clubs: Exploration Club, Book Club, Tomorrow's Leaders Club Senior (Highschool) Personality: Gwen is a kind and caring hybrid, always trying to help out her friends, and even random others, at that. She is also the adventurous sort, has been ever since her older brother starting taking her on his wanderings around [insert areas where Hybrids were], never bothered by not technically being allowed to be there. She has, however, always been quite shy, taking a while to warm up to people most of the time, which is helped not at all by her anxiousness around humans, caused by some, intended as silly, campfire stories her older brother told her when she was just a kit of 6. She also has tendencies towards being a follower, more submissive than leader-y, more likely to let someone else take the lead, rather than taking it herself. + kind + caring + helpful + adventurous - shy - anxious around humans - Submissive Biography - Gwen is the oldest daughter of the Chief of the Migale Clan, a strong clan with many political connections. Her father, as well as their entire clan, has been actively working in support of the combined school almost since it’s inception, and as such, he decided to send his own daughter to the school, publicly to show that his support of the school is absolute, although the more private reason is that he is hoping that she learns how to be a leader.