[@Eklispe] Action: Examine contents of leather bag and letter. Appraise check required (Wits check): (3 [color=39b54a]green[/color] vs 2 [color=662d91]purple[/color])= [u]fsss[/u] = Failure with triple advantage [@rush99999] Actions: Rest until companions leave the tower No Check Required. ----------- Looking into the bag, Shinon could not asses the value of the various trinkets and personal effects in this dark tower, though he knew it would become clear in the sunlight and with time (2 blue on the next appraisal check on these items). The black letter however was much more interesting: [quote]My Brother, Your work has not gone noticed. Our master has spoken praise of your efforts and your research. He has told me that soon will be our time to strike, and when it does the city of Falkreath will fall to your hands. Continue gathering your forces and perfecting your art. I will do the same looking down upon Whiterun. If you are in dire need, you may find protection at my home in the White River Watch caves at the base of the Great Mountain. May our mistress guide you, Your Brother[/quote] Metosi took the letter and looked it over. "It appears that we have stumbled upon something dark and sinister in the lands of Skyrim." He reads the last line out loud. "Our mistress... Namira perhaps, but she is not quite one for pure chaos." He packed the letter with some other documents he had gathered and motioned to Qa'Ra who had picked clean anything of real value into a bag. "Let us go, I know Whiterun is on our way and it seems there is danger for the people way. Two bird with one stone I take it." Outside of the tower the companions gathered and set out again. On the road that straddled along the shore of Lake Ilinalta the group bunked down for the evening and rested. As the stars came out and fire burned bright, the companions sat around the fire and spoke. {EDIT} ---------- CAMP FIRE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1nu_8IQd78 ----------