[h2][color=9400D3]Muffet[/color][/h2] [i]A Spider's Catering[/i] [hr] As the diplomatic talk persisted, Muffet found herself distracted. With the recent loss of her most valuable artifact, she had to retrieve another which was a lot of work. All six of her hands worked her tiny fingers, rubbing against each other. The whole thing made it look like she had the jitters in her hands but she was really spinning her web. Yea, she spins webs, just not in the way you think. Her hands contain little pores and when she wants to, she can expel a gooey form of her silk. It turns into thread form fairly quickly so she quickly and delicately wraps the gooey sap around her fingers as if she was going to play cat's cradle. In fact, that's what it looks like when she is satisfied with the amount of silk she's gathered and decides to spin her web. All six arms swiftly weave about as if Muffet were knitting, she quickly spins a very stereotypical spider's web and fans out all six hands to spread out the web in full view, as if showing it off. But she wasn't really showing off. The next bit was a bit unbecoming of a lady and that's why Muffet never liked to spin her webs the "old-fashioned" way. She delicately rubs her tongue across the bottom of one of her fangs, collecting enough of her a purple venom. The effects are said to be ghastly but outside of eating, Muffet would never just bit someone. She's a lady, after all. With just a few drops of her own venom, she spits it at the web she just created. The web reacts with the venom and a purple void consumes the web, save for the threads attached to Muffet's hands. This is the very same void she used to summon her spiders and sure enough, spiders began to march out and crawl along the silken threads towards Muffet's hands. Only a few came out first but then a procession emerged, carrying with them a new porcelain teapot along with a matching teacup and saucer. [color=9400D3]"Ahh, thank you my lovies!"[/color] Muffet blurted aloud as she reached with her bottom hands and grabbed both items properly. Then she collapsed her hands in, closing the portal and shook off her silk allowing it to fall to the floor. [color=9400D3]"Right. Portal."[/color] The Spideress remembered the request Eto gave to her and turned to go activate the terminal, satisfied with the return of her tea set. She quickly activated the portal and awaited the emissaries. No doubt she was to provide sustenance for all.