[hider=Sol] [hider=Nerd] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Kogitsunemaru.full.1861862.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Name: [/b]Sol [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] Loan Shark [b]Age:[/b] Appears 20, but even he's unsure of his own age, so he just says 21 to be safe [b]Gender/Sex:[/b] Male [b]Birthday:[/b] April 20th [b]Occupation:[/b] Sol works for two infamous loan sharks. One is stationed in Zin, the other in Edelweiss. When someone doesn't pay up on time, he's usually sent out. [b]Where they live: [/b]Officially, he lives in Zin. But nothing can stop him from heading out to Edelweiss for "work". Species: Kitsune [b]Personality[/b] Sol likes to have fun. He has an easygoing, but mischievous demeanor. Teasing is common coming from him. He likes to get reactions out of people.. A large amount of his goals are centered around what will amuse him the most. That being said, he doesn't like doing what isn't fun, and can become quite stubborn and childish when he's forced to do a boring task. He dislikes it when he has too many responsibilities, and he's honestly a little bit of a slacker when he's not having fun. He's someone who is independent and most of the time, he doesn't like working on a team. Not that he [i]can't[/i], but he considers it easier to work on his own, rather than worrying about others.. He likes doing things his own way, and can become quite stubborn whenever he's forced to deviate from his plans. He's extremely able to work efficiently and is incredibly active. He dislikes being idle for too long and he's always wanting to explore new places and eat new foods. He's an adventurous fellow who always likes new experiences. He's incredibly affectionate towards friends. He also likes teasing them and is rather mischievous. But he can be picky with who he befriends. It's not his standards, but it's his personality preference. Certain people just tend to "click" with him, while others don't. Sol isn't easily intimidated or frightened, even when he honestly should be. He tends to overestimate himself at times in combat. But he usually doesn't underestimate his foes. In combat, he doesn't let his guard down and he's quite focused. But when out of battle, he can tend to be easily distracted. His thoughts will roam all over the place and he'll tune out whatever you're saying if he doesn't find it interesting. Of course, he's conscious enough to nod and try and look like he's paying attention, because he has common manners. He isn't often rude to people intentionally. But he does have a habit of running away from responsibilities that don't matter to him. Sol is a kind kitsune nonetheless. He likes socializing, but he tends to do better with a smaller circle of friends. He's quite flirty as well, but if he makes someone uncomfortable, he stops and apologizes. He tends to be rather mysterious to most, as he teases others and acts friendly, but he doesn’t have many actual friends. He's good with picking up how others feel, and will often act accordingly. He can be quite mature when the situation calls for it, and if he sees one of his friends isn't feeling good, he'll immediately cater to their needs. He's very clingy with his friends and likes hugs a lot. He's really tall and may look threatening at first, but if you're not an enemy, you'll quickly discover that he's just a big mush. He really likes being petted and cuddled. He’s also really good with kids, even if they do pull his tail at times. Of course, he dislikes being told what to do, as well, unless it’s by his employers who are actually paying him. Sol has a habit of isolating himself from others. He doesn’t like letting others in on how he’s feeling, and he needs to be very close to someone to let them know about his past and his true emotions. He has issues with trusting others, so even though he appears sociable, no one is really seeing the full picture unless they try to dig deeper. He needs to spend a large amount of time with others in order to trust them very deeply, which is why his group of friends is so small, even though he seems so popular. He does value those who are close to him immensely, and he would absolutely give his life for them. He’s a loyal and giving friend who would never consider betrayal. He hates traitors with all of his might. But at the same time, he has fears of being betrayed. He often fears his friends leaving him. [b]Background [/b] Sol was born in a poor area of Zin. He lived as an only child in a shoddy apartment, supported by his parents.His mother was a hard worker, who always sent him to school to make sure he was intelligent. His father was also a worker, but even when not working, he was often out. So Sol rarely ever saw him. He was a mischievous student, whose smile rarely betrayed the poor life he lived. He had many friends during his first years of school. Eventually, his father was home more often and they bonded. His father taught him self-defense and how to use magic, while his mother helped further his education. Despite how poor they were, they managed. The two loved him very much. Or so he thought. After he turned six, he had trouble sleeping one night and went downstairs, only to find his father leaving with a suitcase… with all of his “important” belongings. After spotting Sol, he rushed out the door without a goodbye. Sol’s father left them to marry a wealthier woman, his engagement ring left on the kitchen counter. The deep sense of betrayal devastated not only Sol, but his mother, who was shocked at the sudden turn of events. Their household was not the same after that. She was forced to work another job, and Sol rarely ever saw her. It was after another year that she passed away, forcing him to go to an orphanage. He had only one friend there. Her name was Mimi, and she approached him the very day that he arrived. The two had a very close bond and were in the same school together. They spent two years together, but she was adopted when she turned nine, leaving Sol alone once more. It was another year before Sol was taken in by an elderly kitsune woman. She never told him how old she was--but she did thwap him on the nose after he asked her. She became a motherly figure to him, and was actually able to teach him swordsmanship and how to use his magic. This woman, named Kimi, slowly healed his heart. But his trust issues would still remain. He went through both middle school and high school, but became a slacker in his last year. Kimi had to routinely scold him after seeing a bad grade, but she got him through somehow. Those years weren’t very eventful for him. Girls flocked to him. He went to some parties. Nothing much really went on until he graduated and was able to get a job underneath a loan shark in Zin, thanks to Kimi. He was then able to get his own place and live on his own, taking routine trips to Edelweiss after a loan shark from there hired him to work. [b]Likes:[/b]Sleeping, fighting, tuna, rice, tofu, summertime, warm weather, fish, salty foods, meat of all kinds [b]Dislikes:[/b] Waking up too early, spiders, boredom, being told what to do, wintertime, sweets, cold weather, rainy weather [b]Talents/Hobbies:[/b] He’s surprisingly good with sewing. [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Good [b]Magic Type:[/b] Fire [b]Fighting Style:[/b] He’s an utterly offensive fighter who is always up front with his opponents. He’s merciless with his attacks and doesn’t pause for a second. His fire magic combined with his superior swordsman skills makes him a deadly opponent, and he’s only getting better and better each battle. He can use his magic for long-ranged attacks, but he always prefers to be up-close with his opponents. His flame color is Blue, making it all the more powerful. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] A heavy, silver sword that he wields skillfully. He’s named it “George”. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Long-ranged opponents, bulky opponents with a lot of stamina, irresponsible, slacker, hand-to-hand combat [b]Strengths:[/b] Fire magic, close-combat, good at tracking [/hider]