[@KindledBeast] While they walked Zwei began to talk. Valencia listens carefully to him. She stopped with walking as he started with : I have something to say. Valencia didn't turn around before he finished. Valencia looked at Zwei and she could see that he was serious with that he wants to know why she was interested in him. Valencia took a deep breath and avoid his eyes and looked down for a little. Then she said: "I like mysterious things, I grew up with them around me and I like to know what the mysterious part of things, animals and persons are." she paused and the smile on her face that she had before disappeared. "I have studied all the campers and they all have their own level of how mysterious they are." her voice sounded different than from before, it had a serious tone in it. Valencia looked at Zwei's collar. "And you. Ehh.. I mean, your level is far from the others. And the collar that you wear doesn't seem like the kind that you want to wear for fun. So there has to be something, maybe with your power that the collar is a kind of seal so that you can't lose the control over your power quickly or its so dangerous that it holds it up." she paused again and looked up at his face. Valencia wanted to see his expression of what she told him."I'm really curious to know what you could be hiding, because I just know that you have a big secret. And it's not that I have a problem with it, I just like to figure out what it could be." Valencia told every thing that she knew honestly and she was serious about it. [i]I hope that he doesn't hate me now that I have told this all. He seems like a really nice person.[/i] she thought.