Kilian had followed the whole exchange that had happened in the hangar between the squad from his cockpit. He had not been able to hear what had been said but a few of them had seemed to be quite upset as a toolbox had been sent flying and then Eiren had stepped in chewing some people out. He had overheard a bit of that as they had finished up the calibrations on his fighter and he had climbed out of it. As he put his feet on the hangar floor they had been told to head to the mess for chow and rest. Kilian had waited a bit for everyone to leave and followed in silence behind the rest of the squad watching and assessing every member as best he could. Well he could say he did not dislike any of them and they all seemed to have their own quirks and habits. And that was how a squad should be but they needed to be able to work together if they where to survive in the battlefield. In the mess hall he took his time and he still sat at the table when Gurjan took his place next to him and just a short while later they where joined by Nick. Kilian looked up from his plate as the newcomer asked the question that was on Kilians mind as well. Slowly he put down his fork and looked at them both with curiosity. He had not wanted to ask that question yet but now it was out and he really wanted to hear the answer to it. Not that he would hold it against Gurjan what ever had happened but it was good to talk about it so the squad could bond better and not get the wrong idea from rumors or gossip. [color=olivedrab] "Yes what did happen there?"[/color] He added with a slight smile towards the oil covered Gurjan. [@HopelessIncubus] [@Natsucooldude]