[@Flotabotacon][@Rex][@rechonq] "That's right. Thank you for being so understanding." She nods, having calmed down completely, even bowing to him in return. "I'll be sure to tutor him on common courtesies. That and table manners. Everyone has a different upbringing, so I'm sure where he came from such a way of life is acceptable, and perhaps even with yourselves, as well. However, that doesn't mean we all shouldn't do our part to try and act with civility and respect for our brothers and sisters, human and Faunus alike." Having said her two cents, Vivianne bows once again. "I hope this doesn't detere from any future acquaintances we may have, and can be put behind us for the sake of friendship. Oh, and please call me by my proper name, Vivianne, as Princess is already taken. Au revoir." With that she walks back over to their table and sits as though nothing had happened, despite the two teams having gotten the attention of the entire cafeteria. "The fact of the matter is you are impulsive, Seth. Your behaviour is a prime example of it. This isn't necessarily a bad thing - in fact, on the battlefield, it can be used to your advantage. However, knowing when and how to act in certain situations is something you should strive towards in learning..." She pauses for a moment as she looks away. "I apologise for not taking your side; I shouldn't have done so, as your teammate and possible friend. However, I wish to be fair toward both parties when it comes to engagements such as these. If I'd not spoken up in the way I had, there may have been an engagement - a conflict. Would you have liked that? To stain our records on the first day of school? I was only looking out for your wellbeing in the long run, that is all." She still felt really guilty about not really defending Seth, though, and it only got worse as she spoke. She only hoped this wouldn't damage the team...