[center][color=green][h1]Diana[/h1][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pWQ1Wc7.gif[/img][/center] Diana blushed, [color=green]"Uh, t-thanks."[/color] she said to the manakete that had caught her. It seemed like they had one. Their instructor appeared, giving each of them a short speech. Diana looked suitably abashed, maybe she hadn't thought that one all the way through. [hr] Diana strolled into the barrack and looked around yawning, she could use a nap. Shared dorms!? That was rather uncouth wasn't it? It seemed there were quite a few people here already. She should introduce herself to the other people they were apparently rooming with. [color=green]"Hey guys, I'm Diana."[/color] She said to introduce herself and tossed her spear and small pack onto the closest bed. Diana prodded it expecting it to be soft and plushy but was severely disappointed. It was barely better than the floor. Then she noticed the tail on the other side of the barrack. The fluffy, fluffy tail. Daina's eyes followed its rhythmic swishing. She slowly stood and walked towards it as though under a spell. Unable to control herself any longer Diana lunged at it and tackled it onto the bed, hugging it with reckless abandon. So warm, and silky, and FLUFFY! A small squeal of delight emerged as she stroked the tail and Diana closed her eyes. Mhmm....