[color=f6989d][b][h3]Sapphyre Martel [sup]Survival...[/sup][/h3][/b][/color][color=f6989d][i]Don't make a sound... for the sake of your own life DO NOT make a sound...[/i][/color] Sapphyre was leaning up against the low lying cupboard doors of a cafe with her left hand firmly pressed across her mouth and nose. She breathed both heavily and as silently as possible so that the creature on the other side of the counter couldn't hear where she was positioned. She had spotted it as she was rummaging through an abandoned fridge for some kind of food, but because of her foolish butter fingers and weak nerves, she dropped one of the containers and drawn the attention of the living corpse to her immediate location. She didn't want to die here, and the feelings and emotions slowly built up inside her until they came out in the form of tears. So much had happened since that awlful day and every moment she spent living was a moment extra of survival. In a world that was turning to shit, survivalist was the only career choice left possible. The zombie hacked and coughed as it wandered around the cafe, probably trying to bring up some lunch that had wedged itself with it's windpipe, but unless something else was going to happen it didn't seem like this hunter was going to leave her alone. And then the horrifying scream was heard. In the streets that were left silent with the exception of shuffling feet and low level groans, a voice from a neighbouring building echoed throughout the entire neighbourhood. Sapphyre closed her eyes tight and pursed her lips together tightly. She didn't want to hear another death, she didn't want to live this nightmare any longer, she just wanted her old life back and one that she loved so dearly. Opening one of her eyes, Sapphyre looked up at the stainless steel splash back and saw the shimmering image of her stalker wandering away towards the location of the scream. Carefully she crawled around the bench to get a better view, just as she saw the creature wander it's way out through the broken entrance door. She wanted to know who caused the scream, but a part inside her told her mind that it might be best not to find out. [color=f6989d][b]"No, I need to find another living human..."[/b][/color] she whispered carefully to herself as she kneeled up and glanced over to where the flame that was drawing the murderous moths. [b]"Read a book and Love your Library!"[/b] The motto was prowly strung across the front of the building in steel lettering. That was when she noticed it. The door that was swinging open freely suddenly stopped before it was closed by a force that could only indicate that someone was inside. [color=f6989d][i]There's someone in there![/i][/color] Sapphyre's hands began to shake as she realised that the building was slowly being surrounded by a handful of zombies and there was possibly someone inside. Someone like her that was simply trying to survive.