[center][b][h2]Academy of Noble Arms[/h2] [h3]Thousand Swords Heaven Chapter[/h3] [/b][/center] Noble Arms — A mysterious power that surfaced during the twilight of World War II - a fact that even today have made many sigh in relief; for the power that Noble Arms lent to its master would have undoubtedly made the already destructive conflict so much more terrible. At present time, institutions have been founded in order to control the rapidly surfacing ability to summon powerful weapons - weapons that could, to the bafflement of the scientists of today, disregard the laws of physics. Noble Arms are tools that are innate to the user's mind, and summoned by their will into reality. For reasons that still cannot be explained despite years of research, Noble Arms only take the form of weapons from before the First World War, however, despite the antiquity of these forms, the power they bear to the battlefield is unlike anything modern technology has been able to produce. The ability to manipulate the elements to the user's will. Force that can reduce matter down to atoms in seconds. The power to suspend the laws of the world itself. All of these powers and more still have surfaced along side Noble Arms, and the ones who bear them, the Arms Masters, are sought after by countries all around the world. Where once the strength of a country was decided by the technological strength of their Army, it is now judge by the power of their Arms Masters. It is now 2015, and the tradition of Arms Masters has been deeply established in society. There are academies, schools, and programs dedicated to advancing the abilities of Arms Masters for the sake of their country. Truly, there can be no doubt as to the influence that Arms Masters and Noble Arms holds in today's generation. [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ltlMJrj.png[/img][/center] [hr] Focus now on the [b]Thousand Swords Heaven.[/b] One of the more prestigious schools for Arms Masters, it is located in Tokyo, Japan, boasts high-tier tuition and skilled instructors. Backed by several international TNCs and paramilitary organisations, it allows for a spectrum of post-education jobs as well as on-job training in a wide variety of spheres where the Arms Masters may be of use — from warfare to science. However, it is considered "second best", as it has less governmental and popular support than Shin Sakura Academy, the original institution that was established in 1946 as the first Japanese Arms Master school. This year, the governing body of the school requires drastic measures to stop this shameful languishing — especially with the Noble Arms Summit coming up soon. [center][b]—— Are you good enough to do what it takes to reverse these fortunes? —— [/b][/center] [hr] [hider=Noble Arms Summit] The greatest gathering of Arms Masters in the world. Taking place only once every two years over a period of one week, the Noble Arms Summit is both a show of force and a sharing of information and abilities of Noble Arms, and is meant to progress research into the mysterious power. While older Arms Masters generally attend the summit in order to scout out potential apprentices and to update themselves on current developments, students that attend are generally only here for one thing: The Noble Arms Summit Student Tournament. The tournament is the Summit's main event and draws the eyes of the whole world. Winners of the tournament are the prime targets of sponsors, advertisement and admiration; they are practically guaranteed a good life. Eligible participants of this tournament are those in the seventh grade to college students up to the 3rd year only. The tournament is split into two divisions: Team and Individual. Participants in the Individual Division can participate in the Team Division, however, most schools avoid doing this and usually choose to focus on one division. The require number of students in the team division is 6, and the total number of Arms Masters a school can choose to represent their school is eight. Also, there can only be 3 participant schools per country, meaning that unless a certain standard has been met, as long as those standards have not been reached, a school will not even be considered by the government body of that country. The current Individual's champion is the USA's Joshua Bannings, and the current runner-up is China's Cuifen Jiang-yi. The current champion of the team division is Japan's Shin-Sakura Gakuen, with its captain Tomoyo Sakuragi being a previous Individual Champion three years ago.[/hider] [hr] [hider=Extra Organizations] [hider=Arms of Nobility] An organization bent on pushing the importance of Noble Arms and Arms Masters, and is the chief backer of their rights globally. Many of its supporters are wealthy and well known, however, they often face strong opposition from non-Arms Masters due to the agenda's they push and the number of benefits they desire for Arms Masters.[/hider] [hider=Organization for Disarmament]An organization determined to limit the use of Noble Arms and the suppression of Arms Masters. Their main goal is to abolish schools and facilities dedicated to Noble Arms and to limit the occupation of Arms Masters to the military only. Often, they are supported by many labor unions and social media outlets.[/hider] [hider=The Hammer of Masters] A terrorist organization bent on creating a world were Arms Masters are the rulers. Their ideology is that Arms Masters are not, in fact, human, but a new superior race that deserves to be in power. Current number of members is unknown, however they have 2 confirmed A ranked Arms Masters in their ranks, a fact that worries many countries.[/hider] [hider=The Disablers] A terrorist organization bent on erasing or otherwise oppressing Arms Masters. Their ideology is that Arms Masters are not, in fact, human, but a race of monsters born with nothing but the ability to bring misery and destruction and as such must be culled or otherwise strictly controlled. A cause that many have joined and more have supported, and because of the support they have garnered from the masses, they are able to move through countries and city with relative ease.[/hider] [/hider] [hr] This is a "battle academy shounen" type game, akin to such anime titles as [i]Irregular at Magic High, Chivalry of a Failed Knight,[/i] and [i]Asterisk Wars[/i]. Therefore I would like characters to be 14~18 years old. This game will be using the Fate Core system, legally obtainable from [url=http://www.evilhat.com/home/fate-core/]the site[/url] of its producer. Note that it's "pay as much as you want for the electronic copy, including nothing", so you can get a copy of the rules legally by downloading it from [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/09tjm5gktipplpk/Fate%20Core%20Electronic.pdf?dl=0]here[/url] as well, under Creative Commons. (I do however mildly suggest that you at least check out the site — those guys are pretty cool.) This is also a parallel game to [@TheHangedMan] 's [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/90901-academy-of-noble-arms/ooc]Academy of Noble Arms[/url], so do check that out as well. I am currently looking at about 8-12 player turnout, but I can adjust up or down by a rather hefty margin. To apply, please send me your character idea, short (1-3 paragraphs, unless you feel like writing more!) bio, and the powerset/Noble Arm you would like, by PM. (If you already know the system, of course, you may stat yourself and give me a ready character sheet, but people often have a somewhat hard time grokking Fate, even though it's really simple and reasonable.) Also, [b]please do not post your character powers into this thread[/b] — I would like to keep people guessing, allow people to actually lie about their abilities, and play headgames, so the "powers" part of Character Sheets would be obfuscated from public view.