[i]"There has to be people in here...."[/i] Alex thought to himself as he opened an upper story window and stepped into the library. He had found a small access point in the back and left a distinguishable trail for others to make it in safely as well. The hallways were messy and stained with blood, a few rotting corpses lay on the carpet, dead from zombies cannibalizing them. He reached for his satchel and pulled out his baseball bat, white-knuckling it as he made his way down the hall. He was nervous and was breaking out into a cold sweat. There was a hefty gathering of zombies outside. They were attracted to somebody running into the library and shutting the door. Even now he could hear the beating of their shambled hands against the entrance, meaning he wasn't too far away from the door and, consequently, whomever shut it. Making his way down the hall slowly, he checked every door and every passage way, but did not find much. Most of it was scavenged already, some of it was even cleaned up. It was like somebody had been making this place their hideout. To him, it seemed really smart to do so. The library was still mostly intact and even where he was on the second floor there were bookshelves of rare and knowledgeable books to be found. Looking around for a moment and seeing nothing, he took a deep breath and took off his gasmask, letting it hang by the straps around his neck. He looked over one of the bookshelves, seeing if he could find something to calm him down a little. He found it in a black and green covered book about the Halo series. [i]"Ghosts of onyx....[/i] He said to himself. He opened it up and found a random passage. [i][b]"For a split second, Lash couldn't think. He was all animal, fight or flight . . . with an overwhelming portion of his mind focused on the flight portion of that imperative."[/b][/i] "Yeah, that seems about right now adays." Alex mumbled to himself. He was a bit lost in good memories now, remembering just a couple months ago when he was actually at a lan party for Halo and enjoying himself for once. Everybody got drunk and went online, making fools of themselves and their K/D. He chuckled as he remembered his brother Sebastian locking himself away for eight hours the very next day to fix his K/D when he dropped rankings. He felt a lot of emotions well up as he remembered he and Alicia making love that night as well. Another bang in the distance made him jump and reach for his rifle, but freezing when he realized that it was just the entrance again. He took a deep breath and slipped the book into his satchel, making his way for the entrance. He secured his gas mask over his face again and tread cautiously towards the entrance. Stepping onto a balcony, he saw somebody down below shoving a table against the entrance, trying to keep it secure even as the zombies on the other side of the door threatened to overwhelm him and smash the door open. "Hey! Hold on, I'll be right down!" He yelled as he gripped onto the railing and vaulted over, dropping to the first floor. He immediately regretted this decision as he landed and felt searing pain shoot up both his legs. "Yeaaoow...bad idea. Not a badass." He mumbled, smacking his own head and running towards the survivor. He was trying in vain to hold the door closed with the table, but he wasn't doing much. The Zombies were starting to push against the door hard to get in. The table he was using was a shoddy metal one that was simply propped up. "Hold the door as tight as you can." He told the kid as he flipped the table upside down. He used the pommel of his baseball bat to strike at the joints of the legs and snapped them two of them off. He slipped the thick metal legs between the metal handles of the door, giving it a lot more strength. He did the same with the other two and propped them up on either side of the door, using the rubber feet to hold them in place while the broken metal at the top of each leg dug into the wood of the door. He took one look at the bag strap and knew that it wasn't going to hold. He dashed away for a moment, taking a quick look around. He found a small lounge where a few chairs, reading material, and desks remained. Next to one of the chairs was a small basket with yarn in it. He picked up the yarn and ran back to the door, unraveling it as he did. Coming up to the door, he undid the satchel and wrapped the legs and handles in yarn, tying them together as best as he could. When it was satisfactory, he tried to put the yarn in his teeth to snap it off, but it only served to hurt his jaw. Cursing, he reached to the end of one of the legs and used the sharpened end to break the line and tie it together. Now, a little more secure, the pounding of the door was a little less severe but just as loud. It wasn't going to go away any time soon, but it was better than nothing. He backed up, panting and sweating a little. He wiped off the sweat and took off his mask. "Heh. Picked that up from the remains of an empty survivor den up on northside. Place was empty, but at least their tricks were passed on." He looked over to the survivor, whom was still just standing there. "Oh. Right. Are you alright? No scratches or bites I hope? Name's Alex." He extended a hand.