[@Delta44] [@rechonq] [@Rex] Just like West, Celia was surprised and shocked herself as she watched the scene. She too would have backed her team up if needed, but Vivianne took care of it and defused the situation. Though Celia would have prefered it to end without causing a ruckus, but atleast no one got hurt in the process. Well at least not yet. As Vivianne was done talking and came back Celia sighed "Seth put Nirvana back and sit down. I agree with Vivianne, knowing how to act in certain situation is key to becoming a true hunter or huntress. If you keep provoking fights because of a mere trifle you will end up with more enemies than you'd like. Also I would prefer not to get thrown out of school on the first day or do you?" With these words she glared at Seth and he could tell from the glow in her eyes that she wasn't up for any discussions, excuses or jokes relating to the incident. It was a clear message [i]'behave yourself'[/i]. Then she turned to Vivianne "Thank you very much for taking care of the situation, if you wouldn't have interfered it probably would have ended with an unpleasant outcome. So again thank you very much!" as Celia thanked Vivianne she bowed slightly before her. "Alright now that this is taken care of.. Has any one seen the beverage dispenser? I am a bit thirsty"