[center] [hider=Saika Miyano] [hider=Saika][img]http://safebooru.org//images/189/65b83165a7d1e84e9f1f7e3d0aacf39eb645138e.jpg?188331[/img][/hider] Sai stands an imposing 6'2", with lush white hair and bright blue eyes. She is normally seen wearing armor made out of a slain sea serpent she killed herself, only at the age of 16. And yes, she is in fact a demon. Normally, her horns are concealed using magic - and she has tattoos that appear all over her back and sides, though they are concealed by her armor usually. Normally, she wields one of two katanas, which are strapped to her sides. While she can use both, it's not her forte in a fight, though she's getting better as she believes it fits her fighting style perfectly. Which Katana she uses, though, will usually decide her fighting style for the fight and she can switch in the middle of a fight, should she need too. (ignore giant hammer) [color=00aeef][h3]"Oh...hello. Saika Miyano, at your service. If you don't need my blade, then I have things I must do."[/h3][/color] [b]Name:[/b] Saika Miyano Nicknames/Titles: -The Demon Samurai of Zin -The Blue Ronin 'Sai' or 'Miya' to her friends. [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender/Sex:[/b] Female [b]Birthday:[/b] 17th of April [b]Occupation:[/b] Bandit/Adventurer/Mercenary. When she's not being paid for her services or exploring some unknown part of the map, she's often causing mischief in the way of banditry. [b]Where they live:[/b] Moves from place to place, but has currently been spotted in the mountains of Edelweiss. Has a safe haven in Zin. [b]Species:[/b] Demon [b]Bio[/b] [u][i]Personality:[/i][/u] Above all, Sai is an honorable, loyal, and would never turn her back on an ally. She values her friends above all else, even above her own life if she truly values them and considers them a friend. That aside, generally, she's a fairly pleasant person, if a tad bit on the quiet and thoughtful side. Though she's not quiet out of shyness or apathy. She simply doesn't have much to say in the way of words. She prefers letting her actions do the talking, as any true warrior should. Which means, at times she can be a surprisingly cute ball of nervousness and stuttering for not knowing what to say, though she is not a stranger for using words to berate someone or reprimand them rather harshly. She can not tolerate unneeded acts of violence in her presence, and would definitely go out of her way to save someone from such a fate. She doesn't tolerate cruelty at all, and would definitely step in to save someone from a cruel and unusual punishment...given it's not against the law, and she has no connection to the poor guy getting the treatment. She can be rather lazy, sometimes, though not overly so. Sometimes, it's simply nice to take day off and nap under the trees after a nice drink. [i][u]Background[/u][/i] Abandoned as a child to a clan of rather secretive and noble warriors far removed from the more modern parts of Zin, she didn't exactly have an easy time growing up simply because she was a demon. While many Zin people are welcoming towards beast people, Kitsunes, and Tengu, she was neither, and many of these superstitious old warriors thought raising her would only bring disaster, but the clan leader disagreed, saying that to abandon a child simply based on so called omens was pure folly. He wouldn't allow his honor to be stained as such. So she was raised and taught the way of the sword and warrior along other children her age - along with magic. In her case, Dark Magic, and she quickly distinguished herself from the others being physically stronger, faster, and all around above them in terms of strength and prowess. A few students grew jealous of her ability, though most constantly looked up to her as a role model, especially the younger ones. When she was 16, a graduation ceremony of sorts was held, to test everyone's skill with a blade. First step, was to forge the blade you were going to use for the rest of your life. This is when she forged 'Makaze', her blade and current companion. Next, was to venture into the nearby mountains and a surrounding forest, slay a beast and bring back a trophy proving your defeat. Whether or not you graduated, or were deemed a failure and cast out, depended on the beast you slayed. One chance. One chance only, for a warrior, there are no second chances on the battlefield. Confident in her abilities, she set out into the forest, but something...something terrible was about to happen that week. A sea serpent, had somehow found its way into a lake resting on the mountain. The other students, didn't even stand a chance against the beast. And despite being confined to the river, it was able to blast highly pressurized water from its maw. Those few who were lucky, only got away with broken legs, and broken spirits. However, Three people were able to bring the beast down and graduate that day. A boy by the name of Renzo, a childhood rival and friend, of hers by the name of Dai, and herself. After slaying the beast, they all three brought it back to the temple, and were all allowed to pass right then and there, with the rest, though while not succeeding, not being kicked out either - for this was an unforeseen circumstance, and the elders were merciful. She crafted herself a armor out of the beasts hide and bones. Dai created himself a second blade from the bones and blood of it, naming it 'akaiittou'. Renzo, created a fine bow, and trained himself to use it next to his blade. Over the course of three years, the three grew fairly close and had quite a few misadventures together around the temple, now that they were free to leave, and seek out their calling elsewhere. Unfortunately, fate saw fit to make sure that Dai and Renzo would never make it through a fourth year. She still doesn't entirely know the truth behind the incident, but what she does know...is that she was blamed for [i]murdering[/i] them, and was cast out of the order. She has been wondering ever since, trying to make sense of the events that transpired that day, a masterless sword seeking a cause, you might say. Her sense of honor and law has deteriorated quite a bit since then, and if the rumors are true, she's only steadily gotten more and more violent in her banditry over the years. Likes: Ice cream, pastries, alcohol, fighting, harmless pranks, meat, rain. Dislikes: Vegetables, warm weather, spicy food, dogs, and snakes. is surprisingly terrified of ghosts. Talents/Hobbies: Likes carving these odd little wooden masks in her spare time. Says it helps her focus. Training Adventuring. Stealing treasures from tombs. Often meditates in the morning Can forge Katanas and possibly other swords and small crafts. Alignment: (it is difficult for me to ever place my characters into just 'one' alignment, since I believe a character is never just one, so I hope this is acceptable) True Neutral/Lawful Neutral. First and foremost, she is loyal to her code of honor - which places her friends and allies above all else on her list, only below her own pride and honor as a warrior. That said, she's also not entirely...good, either. Considering she's a well known bandit/thief. While she does try to follow the law, if it does inconvenience her she won't hesitate to break it if she believes she can get away with it - and if caught she would likely surrender, unless, again she believes she can get away with it. Magic Type: Dark Magic. Fighting Style: Quick, deadly, efficient, but honorable. She prefers fighting with her Katana, but don't underestimate her magic. Combined with her magic, she's a force to be reckoned with on the field. Her main use of her magic, is extending the reach of her katana's to impossibly long reach. Long range is not her specialty, so she tries to close ranged distances quickly. She prefers one on one fights, but she will never back down from a challenge. To do so, would stain her honor. Using both of her blades at once is possible, and she can do it to effectively increase her offensive ability further, but it requires a great amount of focus, and if she's not careful it could be dangerous. Weapon(s): Two Katana, named 'Makaze', who's blade is light, deadly and fast. Used by her most often - often wielded one-handed. and 'akaiittou', the blood red blade is heavier and thicker than Makaze, requiring greater stamina and strength to wield. Used to fight opponents with heavy armor and who are slower. Often wielded with two hands. carries a small carving knife. Weaknesses: -Long ranged combat -Armor is light and designed for movement, not defense. -Will never resort to underhanded tactics in a fight, even if her opponent does. This can leave her at a significant disadvantage sometimes. Strengths: -fairly decent at fighting any type of opponent since she can change styles easily, depending on the Katana she wields. -Fairly impressive physical strength and stamina. -Close ranged fighting. [/hider] [/center] [hider=Amelia Brandt] [center] [hider][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1251/17c60b6ac5f21665f3702398a908e6cf7a6df542.jpg?1303877[/img][/hider] A rather tall woman, standing at a solid 5'8", she has brown hair with chocolate colored eyes. Often times, she is seen wearing her military uniform. The only time you can catch her not wearing it, is when she's bathing, sleeping, or relaxing in her manor's study. [color=a187be][h3]"Shape up you louts! I'll not have slackers in the ranks!"[/h3][/color] [b]Name: [/b] Amelia Brandt. [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] -General Brandt to most of the public and those of the military -Amelia to friends. [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender/Sex:[/b] Female [b]Birthday:[/b] January 15th. [b]Occupation:[/b] Brigadier General in the Edelweiss military. Aims for General, and possibly higher. [b]Where they live:[/b] Edelweiss, City of Hafros but travels often on military or diplomatic business. [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Bio:[/b] [u][i]Personality:[/i][/u] In social situations, on the surface she is generally pleasant. Charismatic, friendly, and amicable, she dislikes violence, speaks with a very respectful and polite tone, and will generally resolve conflicts with peace and diplomacy if she can since she dislikes violence or overly 'unneeded' acts of violence. Even then, though, if she see's someone in trouble she'll step in and help - protecting others from criminals and other such things is a vow she made when joining the military, and a vow she intends to keep. But only on the surface. Ask anyone who spends enough time around her, and they'll easily tell you...she is not a woman you would wish to cross or stand in her way. Despite her friendly and amicable nature, that truly only runs as far as humans are concerned. Non humans, truthfully, might as well go and die for all she cares. But of course, public opinion prevents her from stating such beliefs openly. Not only that, she is quite the ambitious person. She aims for the position of General of the Edelweiss army, and most would be correct in assuming she'd want even more if she could ever find a way of attaining it. That is, ruling [i]all[/i] of Edelweiss herself. Hell, the entire world of Genesis of she could get her mitts on it. She refuses to let anyone stand in the way of this ambition of hers. Any who do, she will dispose of using the fullest extent of the law possible, or even go as far as to hire the correct people to do it - so long as them being hired can't be traced back to her. Of course, she is an honorable person who keeps her word, if she gives it. You can expect loyalty from her if she gives her word on something. As far as work is concerned, she is a fairly serious person. She takes the military very, very, seriously and most of the others know it. Shenanigans will not be tolerated in the ranks when she is present. And despite her hate of violence, she has been known to have...quite a few darker tendencies. Especially towards the punishing of criminals. At times...she can be over exuberant in the pursuit and punishment of them. [i][u]Background[/u][/i] Amelia's story isn't a tearjerker or one overly rife with conflict. Not of the emotional or violent sort, at least. Born into a wealthy aristocratic family as the youngest of four siblings, she was often looked down on and underestimated simply due to being the last born of the family. The runt, you might say. That's not saying her parents didn't support or love her, they did. It's just that...well, they had some rather radical views of non-humans for whatever reason. Perhaps it was just an old, archaic tradition of the Brandt family. Whatever the case, they made sure to pass their beliefs onto their children, and none believed them more so than the young Amelia. Being the runt, it was nice to think that there were other creatures who were less than she was, that she was inherently better than. She committed herself to studying academics and marksmanship at an early age, becoming quite skilled with most forms of firearms, but preferring a small and lightweight handgun, modified to work with her magic. When she was 18, she joined the military and quickly became disgusted with how it was run. Not to mention the non-humans in the ranks. For a sheltered, somewhat brainwashed girl such as herself, it was unthinkable. It was around this time she vowed to [i]fix[/i] that problem. Permanently. She quickly rose through the ranks using various methods. Legal, and once or twice maybe not so legal means to get promoted quickly. Of course, doing it [i]too[/i] quickly would cause a problem. People would notice. The wrong sort of people who could foil her plans. So now, she waits at the rank of Brigadier General. Waiting for an opportunity to take control of the highest position in the military. [b]Likes:[/b] Torture, Hot beverages, Order, Peace, Humans, disciplining others, the sweet deliciousness that are blueberries, diplomacy. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Non humans, chaos, laziness, insubordination, slackers, spicy things, direct fights, bugs. [b]Talents/Hobbies:[/b] -Drinking tea -Reading -Studying ancient ruins. (Who knows where one might find some...artifact of power?~) [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Evil, with a dash of Chaotic Evil. [u][b]Combat[/b][/u] [b]Magic Type:[/b] Wind [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Most often, she wields her saber in her right hand, and her pistol in the other. This makes for a very deadly, and effective combination. She can force you into a sword-lock, and then shoot you in the face with a gun, for example. Most often, she employs wind magic to enhance her speed and agility, sometimes strengthening the blows of her sword. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] A saber and a custom made handgun she keeps on her at all times. The handgun is modified to use regular bullets, as well as work with her wind magic to shoot small blasts of air to stun and deter opponents. Possibly even using wind to cut or lacerate if she can put enough force into it. Also carries a riding crop. She'll gladly show you how one can put it to good...use~ [b]Weaknesses:[/b] - Wears no armor what so ever, aside from her military uniform unless she's in the field. Then she can be seen wearing bullet-resistant armor under it. -Long-range combat. -Dislikes fighting, and will often attempt to talk her way out of doing so using diplomatic means, bribery, or other...'persuasive' methods. -Big, heavily armored opponents. -While she is indeed trained by the military, she is by no means a fighter capable of taking on a large number of opponents at once. Not without getting injured herself. [b]Strengths:[/b] -Excellent Tactician. -Close to mid range fighting. -Knows 'people'. -Will do anything to get the job done. -Quite loyal, if you can get her to give you her word. [/center] [/hider]