1 Cammila bowed near the stream bucket in hand. The water was clear and beautiful with small fish swimming in schools in the shallows. She drew a bucket of the water, frightening the fish further down stream. Three flit around in the bottom of the bucket, terrified of the new world. Cammila stared at them, entertained by their plight. The young girl went to dump them back into the stream. The bucket fell, splashing the water onto the ground along with the fish. She was simply gone. Cammila awoke standing in a strange world. Everything was silver and reached the sky. Strange creatures floated along in the sky and she wondered if she had died and if this was Olympus. But Olympus would make no sense, she would sooner be going to the river styx nothing made sense. She certainly hadn't warented a visit to the gods. Cammila looked around and quickly spotted a man. "Excuse me mister, am this Olympus or is the underworld this nice? I'm dead right, or am I? Where am I?" She questioned, hardly giving him time to answer. "Oh, darling its okay. Your not dead and don't worry to much where you are. Why don't you go down that way a little, things will make more sense there. " he gave a knowing smile as he pointed down the street. Taking his advice at face value Cammila made her way down the street, soon finding familiar marble colums and goods. Her attire suddenly became important and she realized she was wearing some sort of strange grey close fitting cotton thing. It was like nothing she'd seen before and she didn't care for it. The lovely covering in the window looked much nicer. A women smiled down at her, seemingly coming out of nowhere. "Would you like something. It's all free of charge, everything is." She beamed. Cammila stared up at the women, now sure that this was a dream. "I need to wake up and go home. My mom is waiting for the water so she can cook super," she said simply, more to herself than the women. "Why would you want that, enjoy yourself while your here instead. Everything is great, here," she offered a hand. "Let me help you". Cammila accepted the hand, and took her advice not to worry. With her new guide Cammila got new clothes fit for an empress, and explored the city. Many of the places seemed unreal to her. They were packed with strange new inventions which Maria, that was her name, described as cars. There were many different foods as well that the pair tried: ice cream and popcorn, fruits and pastries, even pita bread and hummus. Everything anyone could was available. There were people other than Maria around, people walking on their own or in groups enjoying themselves in mismatched clothes. Somewhere along the way Maria had left. Perhaps she had gone off to join one of the groups if people, it didn't matter she was gone now. Cammila felt very alone in the new place. She was lost in someplace far ahead of her own time, somewhere in a dream.